Andre 00:00 Who's a badass? That's right. You're a badass welcome everyone to the weekly show where we will go deep into the human dynamic and what makes us all extremely special. We're breaking the stereotypical mold of the badass on a Harley with tattoos and we're rebranding the badass with any human being that's happy and free. One can have all the money houses, the Harley's and tattoos Lamborghinis yet if they're not happy and free, what's the point? Let's push some buttons and start some shit. Welcome to the weekly show. Who's a badass beautiful, beautiful Welcome everyone. This is the who's a badass Show coming to you every single Tuesday at 2pm. Pacific today is the I'll tell you right now what date it is. It's the 20th of September. And it's a beautiful, beautiful day in Southern California. I'm talking like perfect skies, no chemtrails. 82 degrees, it's Yes, pretty blissful. It's not easy. But somebody's got to do it. And why not meet this weekend, I take off to Jamaica. So I'll be in high heat, high humidity. It's basically like walking through a water. It's like you're walking through a pool. That's for me what humidity feels like I've never been to Jamaica, but it's going to be all sorts of fun stuff with a group called tab retreat. Terry and Christie Thayer, they are the hosts of this event. They'll have about 400 different entrepreneurs there from different walks of life money groups, real estate groups, etc. So that's going to be upcoming here. I'm going to give you guys a couple of nuggets. As we get started. I'm going to cover some business items as we get going. And then of course, we'll bring out our phenomenal phenomenal guest here. What I can share with you guys in badass refectory. We've now introduced a weekly Saturday morning, self development group coaching session. It's $98 per month, stupid, stupid. It's like a cup of coffee a day. The goal is to be able to help you guys get through this journey easier. Because when you don't have a coach and you try to do stuff on your own, when you don't know how to do it. It hurts and all you got to ask yourself is what you've done. It got you to where you are today and is that you want is it good? Can it be better? So that's the point of that. We have our badass re factory bootcamp coming up October 2324 25 in San Diego, California, all that information you can find at badass reef And anyone looking to get on our SMS list for we put out you know content self development stuff thought stuff, keep you guys inspired and motivated. You can text the word badass to 55444 the word badass 255444 So that right there are the announcements. What else can I tell you guys George, as you guys know, the old George magazine JFK Jr's publication should be launching soon. I am blessed with the title of success editor of George and the first one is going to be hot and it's going to be Sisley. I mean, they're all going to be hot and Sisley, but obviously, the first one is the first one. As soon as it goes live, it'll be live on in digital format on the website, but then it will also be available for purchase in physical print format. And that's the hot one because it's the large format like Wine Spectator magazine. It's the sexy, big, colorful, glossy, who. And these you can purchase online, but you can also get these at different events throughout the country as different people show up with them, and they'll sign them for you, et cetera. So that's what's coming up. Let's rock and roll. This conversation today is very, very, very, very, very, very, very needed. Because of the pain in the world. We're going to cover quite a few topics, but one of them is going to be a stat that just came out today I believe is this one in 10 high school students have attempted suicide. One in 10 high school students have attempted suicide. All you got to do is fucking stop right there. What's wrong in the world for teenagers 10% of them to have attempted suicide where it used to be point 000 Something now it's 10% What's happening in the world. So we're going to cover that but then the bigger conversation is going to be what to do. How do we get out of that state? How do we ascend? How do we raise our vibration to be able to be in love and then help the world with the same? I want to introduce to you all the one and only share Gardner Welcome to the who's a badass show once again. Unknown Speaker 04:48 Thank you, Andre, and congratulations on your George magazine. Promotion. Andre 04:54 Thank you. Yeah, it's you know, it's amazing just like you and I met on Like I've met certain people online and you provide value, right? I provide value and connection, connection connection. It just literally came out of the frickin blue. And I'm like, okay, JFK Jr. I'm in. So Right. Unknown Speaker 05:16 Yeah, every door every door that opens take a peek inside. Andre 05:20 Amen. That's exactly what I do. That's what entrepreneurship is. Right? You see opportunity, jump, take it, and then you figure out how to do it. So, let's begin with how are you? But I don't mean that from like a surface, like, Oh my God, how are you share? Like, how are you inside with what's happening in the world? Unknown Speaker 05:38 I feel really good about everything. And I am not in a fear position at all. I I actually put a post on my page yesterday, because Facebook put a whole bunch of restrictions on me. So I saw that put a video out declaring war against Facebook. I am just coming out with whatever I need to come out with so good. Yeah, Andre 06:02 good. Yeah. So you are would you say you're spiritually content? Unknown Speaker 06:06 Yeah. Yeah. Um, no, I have kind of a stigma with the whole spirit, the word spiritual, because I think for me, it's just still tied to religion. And I just, I would just refer to it as a knowing like, just a knowing. And yeah, it's just this stillness. It's, it's dangerously happy. It's confident, it's content. It's a whole bunch of things. So yeah, Andre 06:27 love it. Great answer. So I want to, I think that's a beautiful start to this conversation, because you're saying Spirit, the Word, or maybe even the concept is religious, and I get that. But I want to know, we want to know, and that's why you're here because you know a lot more about this stuff than I do. And that's just clear. So I want to know what you know, everybody wants to know what you know. So my question is, so if spirit is a manmade religious concept, then what could because for me, the spirit is the spark, the lifeforce of God inside of us. Am I? Unknown Speaker 07:07 Yeah, there's so many interpretations. I'm not gonna say anything's wrong. Spirit is, I mean, if someone passes away, and someone is struggling, I remind them that spirit lingers. They never really leave us that type of thing. Spirit that also is, well, yeah, Spark. I think that's beautiful. Because when we start to look at who we are at a higher dimensional level, we discover that we are light, and we are salt in light, like the Bible says. And so to call it a spark, I think is way more exciting. And I think of the term dangerously happy to be a spark to be a firework to be something that radiantly beautiful. It just have so much more energy than spirit, I think, because Spirit is always tied to death. I find and yeah, yeah. And for me, it's just a religious kind of, I don't know, it just, it just has a weird feel for me. Andre 08:02 Yeah. Then I, I appreciate that. I respect that. So is there a difference between a spirit and a soul? I don't know how to answer that. Well, let me ask it differently. So because we're talking about passing on, so when somebody transitions out of physical, right, whatever that thing is, that goes into the ether, the eternal. What is the What's that? Yeah. Unknown Speaker 08:24 That's your soul essence. So you know that, that fractal of God that has an individual aspect of yourself, so there's you and God, but it's just like, like, when I think of spirit, I think of one energy. And when I think of soul, it kind of feels like a union. You know? Mm hmm. Andre 08:48 Got it. Yeah. Love it. Love it. Love it. Tell me about I know, we're gonna cover many, many topics today. But tell me about the concept of since we're already there, meaning transitioning. The I believe, there's a lot of fear in the world today. And I at the top of the show, I mentioned what's happening with a statistic and high school students etc. There seems to be probably more than ever, at least I'm feeling it and seeing it out there. There's a lot of fear of death. And my concept of this fear of death is always that it's fear of the unknown. What in your knowledge studies etc. Is that is are we simply just having a physical experience as this like body and here to do some stuff and then go back to something like what is this life all about? Unknown Speaker 09:42 I think we are going through near death and a death experience of losing our identity. And this whole pandemic or pantomime experience is intended to draw us back to our identity. Bring us back to who we are, bring us back to our or origins bring us back to source, creation, all of that. I think there's a massive in our schools today there's a massive, destructive entity that is distracting our children distorting the mindsets and heart spaces of our children. I think they're distorting the field of like, who am I? Where am I going, what can I be in this world kind of thing, the whole world is going very robotic, very techno very virtual reality very, nothing's real anymore. It's all pretend. Right? It's all. It's all just a facade. And so, and then in that there's so much division created. And then people, children questioning their gender as young as elementary school and things like that. I mean, we even have schools here in Alberta, that are now introducing litter boxes in their bathrooms, because children are identifying as animals. There are girls that I've heard of, in small towns that identify as birds. And so they feel that they don't need to take their whole school curriculum, they just need music class, it's ridiculous that things that are being put into our children's minds. And at the same time, I think it's unfortunate what's happening to our parents, the parents that are in charge of those children, because you are given those children, you are given opportunity to be stewards over those children and guardians and guides over those children. And just the fact that those children are now making the decisions, ruling the household, changing how things are going to be for their life for their future, if all you're going to take his singing lessons, well, then goodbye to a degree goodbye to your future in terms of starting a business, being awesome at whatever your gifts are. Because I think school is important. It's unfortunate that it's falling apart the way it is. But education is important. Learning is important research, self development, that type of thing is very important. And when kids aren't investing, and parents aren't encouraging kids to invest in those things, to better themselves, and to explore more of who they are, in a way that benefits other people around them. That's the thing like this is becoming very small, small, small and very centered and self centered. When it's just like, well, I identify as a cat, I need a litter box, it just becomes a very self centered thing. And there's no service to others in that mindset. And thinking that the world owes me a living and this type of thing. And everything's handed to me, and there's just so many layers to it that's so self destructive. And it's destroying the family dynamic and the future of our young people. Andre 12:43 Yeah, so you're bringing up some really deep shit. You really are. Because so a PhD from Harvard put out an article on the study that liberalism is an actual dis ease. So I want to ask you, since we're on the topic of fucking litter boxes, for kids, what happens inside of a person and then we'll talk about the parents, maybe it's the same thing. But what happens inside of a person to literally go to a place to say, Yep, I identify as a kitty cat. I need a litter box at school, like what is happening inside? Where's the disease? Was Unknown Speaker 13:21 it self loathing? I truly believe at the core of everything that self loathing is, it's a victim, victimizer core system that set within like deep within the victim. victimizer causes inner violence, which then causes outer violence. And so these are acts of outer violence, in a sense, because these children or teenagers, or whatever, and parents who are, you know, not speaking out, or taking a stand or anything like that it's creating this inner violence where people are afraid to speak, they're afraid to talk, they're afraid to engage, they're afraid to approach people, they're afraid to have the conversations that are essential to showing love and showing empathy and showing care and that type of thing. And so there's a lot of avoidance and so it becomes very much a victim victimizer scenario. And then it it just branches out into a lot of regrets and self hatred, self loathing, that type of thing. And, and so there's just so many distortions in the field and then people start to act out in these bizarre ways. So then you have litter boxes in your school, you have teachers complying with it, because now parents are pressuring the teachers and it becomes this, it becomes the new virus, right? So if you have children pushing it on the parents and the parents are pushing it on coaches and teachers and that kind of thing, then it becomes this new pandemic or disease. Andre 14:44 Yeah, yes, it's you know, I fear can only bring in disease, it's acid, right? It's acidic. The Spirit Level, the subconscious level, the physical level, it's nothing but and acid brings in cancer and you have I'm talking about the concept of cancer, but it can show up like, I'm a kid in Ghana. That's fucking cancer too. So it's weird because in my work in working with people, and I focus on the human dynamic, I've never had to deal with anyone that's like, I'm a kitty cat. Can you help me? Just it hasn't happened yet. And I don't want to deal with that. But you talking about it, for example, for me, this person, and I like the word spirit only because it's the energy and it could be called anything. But yeah, this thing, this human dynamic is so empty, and so void of any self love that now, because it's still alive, it needs to fill that void it needs to compensate for I feel like a biggest piece of shit. Oh, this thing will get me attention today. Fuck yeah, my kitty cat, meow, meow. And all of a sudden you get attention. Oh, my God, great job good for you. You're standing up for your rights, you're standing up for America, kitty, kitty, kitty. And it's fucking deep. Anyway, enough. Unknown Speaker 16:03 Yeah, the thing is, is that you know, our world system, this time matrix that we're in, there's like, they're referred to as the lower worlds. So if I can go into matrix systems a little bit, the lower world, the astral plane, the mental plane, the causal plane. And those are kind of like, embodied in our system within our lower chakras. So that's our fight or flight syndrome, our sex money power, your gut instincts, that type of thing, right. And so these aspects of your lower chakras, they house the causal, and the astral and the mental plane. So, and it's very much distorted. Now, in the planes of existence, those create the physical, what we assumed to be the physical, which is the matrix system, okay. And that's the time system. I'm not going to talk about time today. But in that lower worlds system, is the 666 coding. And it's, if I could put the 6x, six in each of those three causal planes, that creates the physical matrix plane, then what that does is it creates like a hall of mirrors. And so that's what creates the distortion field, it creates the Armageddon software that's in the matrix system. And I know those are big words and big topics, and whatever we hear these words, Armageddon, in the Bible, and in movies, and different things like that. But just from my studies, like the Armageddon software that's in those lower planes, it's this artificial phantom creation. But those lower planes are like a hall of mirrors, and we get trapped in there. And so there's all of these systems of the world system that are created to keep us there. So then you have all the influences in the movies, you have the virtual realities, you have all the drug addictions, alcohol, addictions, all that, I mean, there's addiction is everything. It could just be you know, a sexual addiction, a clothing, addiction, shopping money, like whatever. I mean, it's everywhere, right? Distraction, and, and it's all laid out to us as entertainment. And I'm not saying entertainment is bad, because there's things to enjoy in this world, but there's so much that traps us. And then we no longer find our identity within ourselves, we find it in the things that are distorting the field kind of thing. And so, in order to come out of those lower planes, we need to enter the higher planes. And so when we enter into our hearts space, when we move into a place of like, self love, and it's hard to get there, because I've shared on your show, kind of my experience, how I went on that walk with the dog for days and days and days. And then eventually I just started saying, It's okay, I love you, you know, that type of thing. But I was going through this spiritual identity crisis, where my dad came to me in a dream, and I was very, very religious. And he said, honey, everything you think you believe is not necessarily true. And so it sent me down this road where I didn't know who I was anymore, my identity was gone. And so it was really just an interesting journey, like bringing me back to who I was, and coming to grips with me myself and knowing how to speak lovingly to myself and ask myself the questions and become the observer. Like I said, and I was, I was just always in this place of, it's okay, you're gonna be okay. It's okay. I love you. You're okay. And so when you move into the heart space, and you start, like asking yourself the questions or examining things about yourself, you become very, very self aware. And then when you become more self aware, on the inside, then you start looking at how things are on the outside and it's almost so when you come into that next plane like there's the four lower planes the astral mental and the causal which creates the physical so let's say that's a topper, okay. Then above that are are seven planes of existence. And I'm just going to show a picture here. Oops, I see it. So there's the three, like the three lower chakras. And then there's seven more that go up. And then you reach the, the 12. So the four plus seven takes you to 11. Okay? But those seven planes of have, they're called the seven spiritual plane. So you said spirits, whatever. So seven spiritual planes. And as you kind of like, come up through your self love Journey, so activating your heart space, that's your heart chakra, and then you start speaking authentically, that's your throat chakra, you come into like your third eye space, which is your knowing that's the you know, you come into a more confident you just kind of like things are more clear headed, things are more just, well, yeah, it's confidence. It's clarity, it's all kinds of things. And then once you come into that place, then you're kind of it's kind of like the lotus flower opens up, and you're just in this space of like, where all things, all potentials, all Creation exists for me. And it's like that doors open. So when the doors open, go through it, right. So what we're watching kids today do is just walk through this hall of mirrors, and they're not able to get into a place where they actually are doing a deep examination of themselves or going through a dark night of the soul. And someone has to ask the right questions and the real questions, because people aren't willing to ask them, they're just someone says, Oh, I'm a kitty cat today. It's like, Oh, okay. Because people think that's freedom of speech. People think, think that just freewill kind of thing. And the thing is, is that free will, is when you connect your spirit free will, you're actually moving into a place where you realize what you've denied yourself, your your whole life, and then you move into no longer denying yourself those things. And they're the things that were meant for you the things that were ordained for you, you know, you were never meant to go to school and to get crap in the litter box. I mean, you're meant to go to school and become your greatest self. Right, you know, yeah. And so moving into the heart space is really important. Moving into a place of having the edgy conversations and be open minded. Take away the judgment, take away the the putting them in a box or judging and like accusations or you know, saying that something is wrong. But just asking the questions like you do that really good on your show, you're very good at asking questions, or what about this? What about this? What about this, and, and that's what kids need more of because our school system is built up where kids are being told what to think. They're being told what to study, they're being told that this is now normal. And I just can't comprehend why that's normal now, because my whole life, I just can't conceive that. Yeah. And yeah, so there's a major, major distortion there. But as kids move into that heart space, and they're willing to have the conversations, parents are willing to have conversations, teachers, you know, coaches, whatever mentors, then kids are going to start talking and they become their authentic self. A lot of kids are not talking, a lot of kids are pulling back and, and they need to come into their full voice, their authenticity. And then when they they start being truly authentic, then they're going to move into a higher knowing. And the distortions are going to fall away. It's just not going to resonate anymore. Andre 23:29 Question. Like you're saying, you know, when kids come to heart center, and they're able to have that conversation, like I'm listening, but then I'm thinking, Phil, I know what it means. I know what you mean. Got it, but 80% of society, I don't think they would listen to this and say, Oh, I gotta go have to go to heart center. I know exactly what to do. No, I know, I know. How exactly can kids or parents go to heart? Get the kids to go to heart? What does that even look like? Unknown Speaker 24:01 I know for me, like when I went through that dark night of the soul thing, I had to really sit down with my values, what was really important for me what was important to me. And I know the whole world is kind of moving to a service to self mentality. But in order to fill other people's cups, you have to deal with the self you have to go and fill your own cup first. And so when I say like, I had to ask myself the questions like What do you value? What do you hold important, that kind of thing. I also had to I had to go through all the hurts and all the pain and all the things that were said to me done to me that type of thing. And so you really have to like It's like pulling out all the thorns you know, you walk through the field of flowers with bare feet and you get the dandelion thorns and and they start to hurt and you can either keep walking and let them keep hurting and get deeper and deeper in this And or you stop for a minute and pull them out one by one, you have to look for them. Because some of them are really tiny. But that's the thing, you have to go through all the things that that have been all the shit in your life. And all the things that you've felt that about yourself things that are denied you by you things that are denied you by other people, those types of things, and then extract them all and and do a really deep, heavy examination of like, why did she say this? And why did I say this? And who did this? Who did? What? Why did I do that? And come to a massive place of deep forgiveness authentically deep forgiveness. And when you forgive, it's easier to let go. Now a lot of people they just like, oh, yeah, I forgive you no problem. But I use a method where I would actually write a letter to one person. So if someone so for example, I had a grade nine teacher who really bullied me, and I was kind of a kid that you're supposed to bring a current event to school, and I would bring something that was totally not a current event. It was like, oh, Kermit the Frog, something rather, you know, something that was not politics, not anything. And he just sit there and he's like, Oh, you're never gonna make it in this class, you know, and, and he would like, say things like this in front of all the students in class. And so. So there was just a lot of things that I had held on to from that one teacher. And so I had to sit and write a letter and say, Dear Mr. Santo, do you remember the time when you said this, and in front of the whole class, and the whole class laughed at me and Lola, you know, I said, Well, you know, what it made me feel like this. But you know, what I learned about myself, I learned this. And so now I'm doing this. So I want to thank you. And then I find love Cheryl, you know, that's my full name Cheryl. Anyway, and I took that note, and I burnt it in the fire. And it was amazing. Because there's energy when you sit with a pen, and you write stuff out you and you're focused intention, and all of that stuff is, is in place, all the energy is just like channeled into that piece of paper, and you write it all out all the emotion, you know, you're creating a thought, which is electric, and then the emotion is magnetic. So you're manifesting something there. Because now with your conscious, being conscious, and doing those things, you create a stirring of the morphogenetic field, which is the field of creation, it's a blueprint that holds all of creation. And so when you write these letters, and then get rid of them, burn them, bury them, whatever, flush them down the toilet, whatever it creates, like a clearing in the field. So you've pulled a thorn out of your foot, and it's no longer there and the pains no longer there. So then I one day, I just wrote nine more letters, and I just, you know, one right after the other and burn tamale, and then later on, I met with a girlfriend now I was telling her I was doing this, she's like, oh, I need to do that. I said, Okay, so we did it. And so we do this, like thing monthly or bimonthly or whatever, and we get together and we there's a chit we gotta get through. So we, it's powerful to actually sit and self examine, have a conversation with yourself, if you need someone there with you do a conversation with them, you know, if you need to be accountable, that type of thing, but there's power and being conscious, activating a thought applying an emotion to it, and then doing an action because an action is is essential in order for you to move forward. It's like when you think of manifestation and they say, men just allow, right so when I think allow, I think rapidly accept what you did, as now true. And then take action. So I wrote the letter, and this is true, signed, share, and then I burned it. And so I've manifested something, I've manifested a clearing and I've cleaned out that kind of dark spot right within my soul. And yeah, so that's that's one method that people could use it and it's very powerful, very powerful. Andre 29:13 Do you believe obviously we're talking about what's happening with the kids today and obviously we can look at social media and iPhones and phones in general and computers and TV and video games. There's obviously a disconnect from this spirit right with next to this matrix that I just mentioned all these things so the love the heart center wants to love wants to grow wants to be amazing wants to be giving that's what its job is you know is it cetera, but it can't do what it's built to do because up here we are consumed by the matrix. So walking the god center, through all the shit So therefore, and again, I'm going back to the connection to the heart center. Because, yes, kids are not there, the parents are not there. So to create that conversation around getting back to the god, I'm sort of piggybacking a topic here. Because I also believe a lot of the separation that's happened inside of the human dynamic is religion. So I believe religion is part of the matrix, just like the phone and video games, and it's all this. Yeah, occupier of the mind. So we don't go to spirit. So can we transition to the concept of religion? Unknown Speaker 30:40 Yeah, I think there's, there's a huge distortion in religion, much like school programs us to think a certain way university programs that programs as thanks for my religion programs us to think a certain way. So when I was talking about the inner violence aspect, and the Armageddon software, so there's, within that Armageddon software, there's a religious program as well, and it's called the crucifixion implant. And the whole inversion of the sacrifice for your sins, is meant to make violence acceptable. And it's meant to make death, okay? When we were never meant to die, to begin with. And the whole time matrix also has stolen, that aspect of us being Eternals or immortals, that type of thing is a it's a big topic. But we were never intended, like, we were always intended to be more. And we were to be like, God, we were to be with God, we were to be as God, and time stepped in crucifixion stepped in, and it distorted the field. And so now we think that this is okay. And then you have all the aspects of blood sacrifice, and all of those things. And we know how that's affected, you know, what we know what's going on in the world, behind the scenes, underground, all that stuff. And people just aren't willing to see it because it is, it's either taboo, or it's people just want to be blissfully ignorant. And with all the religion aspect, they've, you know, they've kind of put other aspects of entertainment into the religion. So you have all the big, you know, stage performances, and all the lights and sound and, and all the worship songs, they're beautiful, yes, they're very beautiful. But a lot of the messages still are tied into the crucifixion implant, the that type of thing, and, and forgiveness, there's the whole, like, being separate from God aspect, and whatever. And these are parts of us that were never ever intended to be imprinted into our system. So the Armageddon software has this crucifixion implant that created the inner violence, which then creates outer violence, which then creates, but yeah, so then all of this inner violence then creates a breakup between male and female, masculine, feminine, divine, both sides, or whatever. So then you have the destruction of the family unit. So then you have children breaking down, because now their families are breaking down, you have in some marriages, some church aspects, you have it in business, you have the misogyny aspect, where there's kind of like the men are making more money, or the men are in leadership, that type of thing. And so then there's this power struggle between the feminine and the masculine, who wants more, that type of thing, who wants to be accepted as equals, and all of these things. So it's a massive distortion in the religious aspect of things. So it's very much the same, distorting the things for the kids. And it it just branches off into more. So it's the family. It's the workplace, it's church, it's everywhere. The whole breakdown. Yeah, yeah. Andre 34:03 So then the fuckery department is really, really well designed. And obviously we're at a precipice here where we believe that today we're going through what we call the Great Awakening, Age of Aquarius, 1000 years of peace, knocking on our door, etc. So what's this transition? Are we living different timelines? And, you know, the concept of ascension? Is it the same and this is like a loaded few questions in one but is it sent in Rapture? Is it the same thing is a different? Unknown Speaker 34:39 That's another word that I struggle with to which one Rapture? Andre 34:44 You're gonna go back to kitty litter? Unknown Speaker 34:45 Oh, no, no, no. I don't know. I'm not sure how to answer that. Well, Andre 34:51 okay. I'll rephrase the content. Right. So Christians today are waiting for Jesus to come back. Right that's The concept of that's the foundation of the New Testament of the belief in all Christianity around the globe. What does that mean? Are we talking about a UFO? Are we talking about? He's gonna tap you on the shoulder? We gotta go. I mean, or is it simply its counterpart? Or is it the same thing as ascension? Meaning that the only way to be mobbed is to raise your own vibration? Get to a different timeline, and you've been raptured or beat up? I don't know. Can you tell me? Wow, okay. Come on. You got this? Unknown Speaker 35:40 Yeah, okay. Well, Oh, gosh. I think parts of me just get this thing in me where I don't want to offend people. Andre 35:54 This and I love because this offends. You cannot offend someone. It's a choice. It's a choice, your choice. So why don't you tell us your opinion? Because that's all it is. Yeah, you can blame it. Unknown Speaker 36:09 Yeah, very. I think people have put too much into Christ. And I don't say that disrespectfully. I am a huge believer in Yeshua, I was huge into religion and all of that stuff. But people need to understand that the Christ position is an office position. And it was handed down through time to many different people. And then even your bible talks about how those people moved on, to become the order of Melchizedek, which are, you know, now Ascended Masters or angelic orders. I mean, people read them as different titles and that type of thing. And so people get hung up on one person being the Christ, when actually he was Christ Jesus, he held an office position. And so when we come to know that we are all fractals of God, then we start to learn about the divine masculine, the divine feminine, we learn about higher hearts, we learn about brain and heart coherence. And and we talked about Israel on one of your things, you were mentioning the word Israel, l. And people think Israel is a place they think it's a group of Jewish people, that type of thing. But the thing is, is that Israel L is a higher dimensional aspect of who you are. That is Ron L, when you break it up into different things, that it's the divine feminine, the divine masculine, and the divine I am, there is the right hand of the Father and the the other side, the mother, and then you have the Christ child or the Christ consciousness type of thing. If you take it into Nikola Tesla talk, you know, the stillness of the Father, when you go into meditation, that's like the three energy the magnetic energy of the mother is the sixth, and then the Christ consciousness within when you rise up in your knowing that's the nine the 369 and so Nikola Tesla says, When you discover the power of 369, like, you know the whole universe kind of thing. And and it's because when you know those aspects of yourself that you are all these things rolled into one you become that aspect of God, you become the eternal death no longer is something that holds has a hold on you anymore, because you have this knowing you move into like an all powerful which is Omnipotence you move into the All Knowing which is omniscient and, and then omnipresent, where you transcend time. So when I was talking about the lower worlds, the causal plane, the mental plane, the physical plane, whatever, those aspects, when you move up out of those and into your heart space, and you move into the higher planes of spirituality, then what happens is you that's how you're ascending within your own body. And then you you assist you know, you become more full of light, you become full more of the knowing of who you are. And then that actually, you become the light of the world, and then we become beacons of light for other people. And it just, you know, it just kind of starts to like, open up more knowledge and information because light is information. So when we become the light and then we become in our heart space, we become authentic, we have the knowing we move into the higher realms of understanding and accepting and learning and coming into you know, higher dimensional cognitions. Then we activate more light in the world and these people are like, Oh my God, I want to be more like them. Even the Bible said, to be an example, to be a light in the world to be a city on a hill. So, yeah, beautiful. Andre 40:02 Everything you just said, most people will listen to it and they'll say what the fuck. Only because it's not something that's taught, it's not something that's promoted. It's not something that's accepted in conversation at parties, like, You got to be frickin woowoo to talk that stuff. But I want to back this up with Dr. David Hawkins book, power versus force. So you can backup everything she just said as truth by getting the book, power versus force by Dr. David Hawkins. And he displays clearly in this book. It's a thick one, it's full of information, full of research. And it's all fact scientific, like real scientific proof. And what he created is what's called a map of consciousness, this map of consciousness is literally physical calibration on the human dynamic. And it goes from zero to 1000. And it shows you how different states of emotion carry different vibration. So what she just said, she explained it from a very big, worldly, energetic place, for a lot of people say, Wow, what are you saying, but we have proof through calibration, that everything she just said, is exactly what's happening in your body right now. So you want to ascend? Where's heaven? Unknown Speaker 41:27 Divine Imagination, the kingdom of heaven is within you, the Lord in heaven is your Divine Imagination. This is a thing, imagination is what's dying, you are not dying. Imagination is dying, your consciousness of dying and that type of thing. And this is why we need to raise up into the Christ consciousness, we have to become the resurrected Christ within in order to activate the Lord in heaven. And yeah, because we are all fractals. When you were talking about frequency, the thing is people are like, what's frequency frequency is a feeling, okay? There are two emotions, there is love, and fear, and fear, yep. And then all of the feelings fall underneath. So if your love, you're excited, you're anticipatory, you're dangerously happy. All these things, right? If you are in fear, then you're in worry, you're in panic, you're like having anxiety attacks, that type of thing. People need to know that frequency or feelings are a choice. So the vibrations that you create out of your feelings are love, or fear. So pick a frequency a feeling and move up. And so in that book by Dr. David Hawkins, he's got the whole thing with all the layers and the numbers. And it shows you how you raise your frequency level. And, but that's the thing, your emotion is either love or fear. And then you choose the frequency or the feeling that supports it. And then you can ascend, Andre 43:03 I simplify everything that we're talking about. Now, in my coaching world, I simplify this topic and like this, if it feels good, keep doing it. If it feels bad, stop it. And that's how you know if it feels. And it's weird, because the ego does kick in. And we think that sometimes it feels good to treat somebody bad or to put somebody down, it gives us a certain sense of satisfaction. I'm talking about how you feel about you, not when you do to others. So when you learn that whatever thoughts, you're having images, you're having even actions, for example that you're taking in life, if they're giving you a feeling of some kind of love, some kind of self worth some kind of significance, etc. Fogg double down triple down, but if you feel would share saying what the book says all that stuff, if you start feeling anxiety, fearful anger, regret, shame. Stop it. Stop it, because you're gonna go down that spiral into hell. So you can get to heaven or hell, yeah, at any given moment. Unknown Speaker 44:05 Well, and it's funny, I had a girlfriend of mine years ago. And she I remember, she got in an argument with her husband. And then three days later, I saw her at church, and she's like, Oh, it still makes me mad. And then Allah, you know, it's just it's kind of stomping around. And that's right. I just said, Well, is he really making you mad? Or have you chosen to stay mad? Because now, you know, he's carrying on laughing with people over there. And you are creating something that no longer exists for him. She was creating something that's still in operation for her so. So there's a big difference that way, too. Yeah. But for me to like, it doesn't have to be performance, because there's a lot of people that expect you to behave a certain way too. And so when I say dangerously happy, like there was a period in that journey of mine where I was just kind of like, going through all my stuff and coming out into you know, the new kind of mindset And I had to, I wanted to be happy, I was really struggling with finding happiness. And so I was like, putting a pencil in my mouth just to fake a smile kind of thing, because I just was not, I was not laughing at anything, I wasn't smiling at anyone. And so I just started telling on my dog walks, I'm like, I want to be dangerously happy, I want to be dangerously happy. And I kept saying I wanted it. And then I'm like, I am dangerously happy, I'm dangerously happy. And then in going through those motions, it didn't mean I have to be all rah rah in pom poms, I just needed to be happy with every aspect of myself didn't matter, like, what my hair color was, or if I had still, you know, 2040 pounds to lose, or, you know, if I had no friends, because I was such a horrible person before and I pushed them all away, or whatever I just chose, no, I'm just going to be dangerously happy for me right now. And if being dangerously happy, means I'm taking my dog out, because it makes her dangerously happy, then, I mean, that's all it matters. And so it's all a choice, like the Your feelings are a choice, and then it creates a vibration. And then that vibration starts to like, it just goes like we are a toroidal field, we are this like energy field. And, and people don't know this, but when your toroidal field is dormant, it actually stands eight meters out from your core of your body, the energy field is eight meters out. And so when you activate like a negative emotion, you actually retract it and it comes in smaller. But when you activate a positive feeling frequency, then what you do is you're actually expanding it and you can stretch that out as far as you want it to go. So in meditation or imagination focused thought, you can actually if you have, say, a friend in the UK, and you want to send good vibes out that way, you can send loving vibes and visualize your toroidal field stretching out as far as the UK and reaching that person. And, and it's amazing, because you might hear from that person say, Oh, I was just thinking of you the other day, I thought I'd give you a call. And it's like, Andre 47:01 really interesting. So it's interesting, because why do people get stuck in negativity and drama? Well, what happens in addiction because we talked a little bit about addiction today, addiction, the brain releases a chemical called cortisol, to the body and to the brain. There's no difference between a negative emotion cocaine, alcohol, heroin, etc. This thing doesn't know the fucking difference, and neither does this. So what happens is as the body gets bombarded with cortisol, cortisol, cortisol, cortisol, it's a very addictive chemical. So now when you don't give it the drama, the emotions that cocaine, the alcohol, the heroin, it says, fuck, I need to hit jonesing. So there's no difference in addiction of Dixon. In addition, that addiction is just addiction. But on the flip side, what share just said is, you we have a choice to create happiness. Obviously, if we so choose, again, if it feels bad, stop doing it. If it feels great, keep doing it do more double down, triple down because happy juice is called dopamine. That's where the concept of it's dope, man. That's where it comes from. So if you can simplify your life by those two chemicals and just say, Oh, shit, I just got me some more cortisol. No, no, no, I need dopamine. So what gives you dopamine laughter that you love, sense that you like whether it's perfume, cologne, Lemon, Lavender, I don't give a shit what it is. People that make you happy. Hugs, Love, Sex. All these things exercise, walking the dog. All these things, hugging a tree, funnily enough will produce dopamine, walking barefoot on dirt and in sand and in the ocean. Yeah. I mean, so you can if you look at people that are healthier physically, as opposed to the other ones, you're just going to find a lot more dopamine as opposed to fucking cortisol. That's all diseases. It's like really not complicated. We complicate everything. Unknown Speaker 49:12 We do. We do. And I think some parents need to just ask the serious question. Does the litter box make you happy? Andre 49:20 That's good. And that's how you close the show people. Does the litter box. Happy you little kitty cat Becky? Kid A timeout Jesus. bad kitty. Oh, fuck, man. All right, so let's go for this last topic. We're about to go in, like 2022 flu. There's great stuff happening in the world. For those that know what's happening in the world. There's greatness happening like good shit is happening. 2023 is like about to be Here, we got what three plus months to go through this 22 year cycle, and 23 will bring on new energy etc. What outside of the well we already talked about of, you know, become self aware, love yourself, create communication go to the heart, etc. What can people really do to help them get to a just a phenomenal 23 for themselves, like you made you dangerously happy. Unknown Speaker 50:29 We're in a really powerful energy right now of creation energy, the more that people start waking up to who they are as fractals of God, you have to know that you are creators, you have to know that you have ample opportunity to create, what people don't realize is that the whole world is designed to distract you. And when you get into the stillness moments, the quiet moments, the in between of everything, you don't have to be sitting meditating for 40 minutes, cross legged, floating by your Yeah, yeah, the thing is, is that it's the silence, that's very powerful. And those moments when you connect with yourself, your Higher Self, your God Self, and you you are conscious, like I said, the morphogenetic field is this blueprint, like a holding place for creation, okay. And when we move into this, knowing of who we are as salt in light, when we become more light and more aware, self aware of ourselves, we become more light. And what that does is it actually activates a Crystaline aspect of our body. And the Crystaline is what holds all potentials of reality. And so it's really important that we get into the silent spaces, the zero point field. And so many people are like, Oh, I'm going to do this next week, I'm going to do this tomorrow, I'm gonna go here, I'm gonna go there and whatever. And that's all fine and dandy. But when you get to a space where you know that the only time is now, and the only places here, you that's the zero point field. And when you put now in here together, it spells nowhere. And so when you're in those silent spaces, those quiet spaces of the in between everything, you could be in the lineup at Walmart, sitting in the pew at church between whatever. It's really important to get into that space, and start creating consciously, because when I held this up, in the Oval circle around there is sound fields, okay. And then this section up here is light fields. And then all of this is the Mater fields, all the colored part below. So in the beginning of the Bible, where it says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God, and the Word became flesh. So when you think in the beginning was the word so that sound, okay? Then the word was, uh, how does it go? I forget the order of it. Because I just, I'm not in my Bible. So in the beginning was the Word. And the Word was God, and the Word was with God. So you have sound, and then you have light, because God is light. And then they were together. So sound and light then creates matter. And consciousness is what creates matter in manifestation. Okay, so in that form, holding blueprint of manifestation, consciousness is key. So when you're in the silence basis, you activate your light, K, and the sound is really the vibration of your frequency, then you start to create matter. And you can actually change your future change how things are going to pan out for you. You become creators in such a powerful way. It's, it's unbelievable. I mean, you can create little things, big things doesn't matter. I mean, look at what you're creating. I mean, we're creating together. No, I know. But like, George, you're going to Jamaica, like all of these things. It's amazing. I mean, you just put those things out into the ether. And the people come, the situation's come the invitations, whatever. So I mean, it's just evidence of who you are. Yeah. And Andre 54:21 you know, what's amazing is what we don't realize is that we're constantly creating and once we start taking responsibility for the fact that I create everything in my world, because people think, Oh, the law of manifestation or the law of creation, is all about me really focusing on a Lamborghini, Lamborghini, Lamborghini. Lamborghini, what you're not understanding is that the fact that you're focused on my bills, I don't have enough money, my job's sucks. My business is not doing well. You're focusing on that. What do you think you're getting a return? Why do these cycles keep happening? Because that's what you are manifesting. The law doesn't change. Unknown Speaker 54:58 And I did that I did that because like I live in a little farmhouse out of the country, and for the first seven years that I lived out here, I was in that space of self loathing. Yep. And so I was just like, Oh, I hate living here. I hate people here. I was just in a really negative space. Well, my roof started caving in, it was leaking, the wind came by blow off all the siding on our house, our deck started sagging, you know, then our basement was leaking water. And I kept saying, I hate living here. I hate living here. So I was speaking all this negativity on my house. And then it was deteriorating. So I was creating that. Yeah. So then I had to in that place of moving to where I was thinking lovingly to myself, I had to walk around my house and actually forgive myself for what I said to my house, what I said about living here, and then things started to shift, you know, I made new friends. And then we put a new roof on the house and different things, we were able to like purchase other things that were needed, like a rototiller. For the garden, we needed a quad to push snow, there's different things that you need out in the country than living in the city. But, but it was interesting how quickly things shifted and changed. When I actually had a conversation with my house and said, I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah, Andre 56:13 that's, yeah, because it's all vibration, right? There's no separation between that piece of matter, which is light and sound. Yeah. And now you're going to put a thought into that house where they're like, Wow, thank you for being a fucking amazing house, or you're a piece of shit. Fuck, I hate being here. You're, you're creating exactly that thing that you get back. Because our imagination, which is what the visions that we have all the visions that we hold up here, the thoughts that we hold the words that we use, that's nothing but life's preview, to the coming attractions. So it's like, why the fuck is my house sucking well backup to yours? Do inventory on your thoughts and your images and your emotions around that house? And you're gonna know exactly why. But then yeah, took responsibility, like shit. I'm doing this. Unknown Speaker 57:06 Like, it got to the point where it was so bad. Like my husband and I two, we were both saying, Oh, someone says, so if you could do one thing with your house, what would you like? Do you want a million dollars? What would you do? And my husband said, Oh, I'd buy a bulldozer cuz it was that point where we're just like, I don't want to live. I don't want to repair, you know? And I'm like, yeah, just give me a pack of matches. I'll take care of it right now. Isn't that funny? And but, and we were joking, but at the same time, deep down there was like some really ugly feelings. Andre 57:40 Like you brought up earlier the female and the mail the magnetism the emotion is the magnetic force behind the electricity appear. Magnetism kicks in shits happen. What's wrong with the fucking house? While Didn't you just want to like burn it down two weeks ago? Wow. There you are. Unknown Speaker 57:55 Yeah, and it was interesting. Like, even during this whole Corona thing. I just started saying like, our expenses were really kind of tight because of where I was working had shut down. And so that I had lost an income immediately. And so I just put it out into the field. I'm like, hey, I want this paid off. This paid off this paid off and whatever. So we paid off credit cards, I paid off my car, and my husband's truck is paid off next month. And I'm like, I don't know how we did this. But we did. You know, it was really, really just blew my mind, you know, but didn't because we both created it. We were both intentional. And it was amazing how fast it all happened. So yeah. Andre 58:37 So I think that's a great lesson for all of us. Because my original question was hey, going into 2023 What can we do? And I think she broke it down really really well. Meaning that you have the power to do whatever you want. That's what she's saying. But you have to become conscious of what it is that you're creating and through meditation clear this space because here's the battle and we'll wrap with this but the battle is this I see the eagle mind as the enemy would call it Satan evil I don't care and I call the subconscious mind god it's the field it's the good the bad so as long as you're up here consumed and shit and problems in the chat room keeps going keeps going keeps going doesn't stop because she did over there that guys now so I'm fat I'm not good enough. Ah, guess what's happening? Are you in here at all? You're not so much share just said go into meditation go into the zero zone go into the now because now know where is nowhere. And so is nothing, nothing, nothing is no thing. Go into that space because that's God. And that's where our power is. And going back to the book power versus force. This is the power. This is the power right here. God love and force when we force shit through our ego mind. We have results that we don't like we go into power and God we get exactly what we want deserve love, etc So, Unknown Speaker 1:00:05 I think it helps to I think it helps to if you think of your ego when all of those ego moments come up like just think of it like this really annoying roommate in your head, you know leaves a mess everywhere doesn't do the dishes, you know, doesn't shut the door, you know, didn't flush the toilet, that type of thing. Like it's just the ego mind is this annoying roommate you just got to kind of tell him to move out. Andre 1:00:30 Rinse getting expensive, you gotta get the fuck out. Right? Yeah, that's a good point. I years ago when I was going through anxiety, panic depression, I understood that my thoughts and all this shit was creating those feelings in the body. I literally had I had a coach teach me to separate the ego all the shit from me because it's not me. Because she, then he a few different ones are like, okay, cool. So if those thoughts and things are inside of you show me where they are like emotions. You can tell me I feel it right here, right now. I could just hide I'm fearful butterflies something right? Cool. But thoughts and these images? Where are they? Like fog? I don't know. They're out here somewhere. He's like green, not yours. So creating a separation like, it could be mind. But it's not a part of me. It's over there. So separating, and you focus on here. So who anyway, you are a superstar. So listen, I was thinking as you're talking, I'm listening, listening, and I know how much pain there is in the world. I'm just gonna throw this out there. And I told you before, hey, you should start your own show, podcast, whatever. But I'm gonna go deeper. I think you need to become a coach. Chop chop? Yes, sir. Unknown Speaker 1:01:40 I have a stigma around that word, too. I like mentor better, but I understand. Yeah, Andre 1:01:46 what you call it? I think you're a leader. And people need what you know, not just the information, but I really believe that through certain processes, you can actually help people ascend. They really, really do. So anyway, we'll leave it at that. You are a superstar. Thank you for your time. And sure. We'll do this again very soon. Unknown Speaker 1:02:04 Thank you for the invite. I love being here. Amen. Andre 1:02:08 Thank you for being on the show. I'll talk to you soon. Have a good day. You too. How cool was that? Once again, sure. Gardner the frickin information. I'm spent. That's it's just a lot. It's a lot of information. And what gets me is how much there's out there that we don't know. And how simple it really because if you like really back it up and back it up and back it up and everything she said it's not complicated. But they taught us so much bullshit. That now we take what she was talking about. Oh my god, that seems so complicated. So out there. Oh, no, that's from a different galaxy. No, which this this is the It's the essence of the human dynamic. It's simple. Anyway, that's it. You guys, I will see you next Tuesday on the who's a badass show. I will be doing this from Jamaica, it will be 5pm there. But doesn't matter. Same time. 2pm. So nothing changes. But I'll be in Jamaica, hopefully some blue water. I don't know. We'll see. I don't know where I'll be at that moment. But there will be a show. And that's it. We'll see you guys as soon as GA launches, you guys will get immediate notifications from me. If you're not in the badass or refractory private group yet on Facebook, you want to get in there. We do a lot of self development in that group. I do a Thursday, q&a, live q&a with people. So I answer questions like you can come in and say, you know, how do I deal with anxiety? How do I make more money? How do you scale a business? How do I save my marriage? You bring questions, I answer them. That ESRI factory bootcamp october 2324 25. In San Diego, California, this is where for three days, we beat you up and we help you ascend. I guess that's that's what it's about. We help you release the past and all the bullshit that you're carrying, change the story, flip the script go into a new and much better future. And that's it. Love you guys kick ass. Have a phenomenal week and spread the word and help people ascend by you guys. Thank you all for tuning in. Thank you for listening. And remember the goal here is for you to gain information that can change your life that can set you up for a better tomorrow on your way to becoming a badass and remember a badass is simply somebody that is free and happy. If you're not happy and free on the inside or empty. You know what to do. Click all the love buttons subscribe button, leave a comment, leave a beautiful review because of course you're in love with this information. And of course it is changing your life. Share this with someone please get this information out there. Love you guys and I'll see you on the next episode. Transcribed by