Podcast Andre Popa

Focusing on the solution

Intro 0:00 Who's a badass? That's right. You're a badass. Welcome, everyone, to the weekly show where we will go deep into the human dynamic and what makes us all extremely special. We're breaking the stereotypical mold of the badass on a Harley with tattoos, and we're rebranding the badass with any human being that's happy and free. One can have all the money, houses, the Harleys and tattoos, Lamborghinis yet if they're not happy and free, what's the point? Let's push some buttons and start some shit. Welcome to the weekly show, Who's A Badass. Andre 0:42 Happy beautiful Thursday, everybody. There's a lot happening in the world. We'll talk about what the world is doing. We'll talk about the bigger issue of what the fuck we're doing in with all this information, with all the chaos, with all the, as you guys know, I like to call it fuckery because that's what it is. Its fuckery department and it's doing well. My lights are flickering. Why are my lights flickering? Do you guys see the flicker? I see it in the backdrop. Nobody move, hang tight. So, what's interesting is that, obviously, I love Romania and I would love to do a show on Romania one day because Romania, just for those of you that don't know is the, what we love to call it, it's the "Umbelico del mundo." Which means, and that's not Romaniain, but it means that it's the belly button of the world. And there's this thing that's coming out of the Vatican that says that the Latin language is a Romanian language where Romanian is not a Latin language. And that is exciting because that shows all kinds of fun stuffm historically. Because you, guys, know the history that we've been taught is all fake. It's all bullshit. It's all it's all been manipulated and created to create create falsity. And then you say, "Well, why would they lie to us? Why would they lie to us about religion? And who manufactured or tweaked the Bible? The Old Testament the New Testament?" There's so much out there, right? The flat earth, orange Earth, global sphere, oval. We don't fucking know. Everybody has ideas and opinions and all this fun stuff. But then you say, why did... why? Why was all this manipulated? And why is it all manufactured to confuse? Who's the master of confusion? And people call that entity Satan, some people call it the enemy, some people call it... it doesn't matter. It's evil. It's the dark so you have dark against light. As long as you're in light, in truth, you have power. If you're in dark and you can see fucking shit, you have no power somebody else does. So, there's a reason for all of this. Yes, control, unny days out of Oregon. "Romania is the smallest natural park of Europe. Nice woodland." Yeah, Romania. I love Romania. It's beautiful and the food, and the people, and the Palinka, come on, stop it. Anyway. We'll be there soon because now that the United States of America, they opened up the... been able to fly back in without proof of Covax, whatever that fake thing was, and now that you can fly back in all of a sudden because it's gone, right? It's just no longer here. And since we can fly back in. I will be traveling internationally, not just Mexico. Mexico, we're able to tweak because we would fly back into Tijuana border and then we would walk across the border. And what's interesting for those of you, guys, that don't know if you're thinking like, "Man, I want to fly." Here's one tweak and this is what we figured out during the pandemic is that you can fly into Mexico, Mexico couldn't give a shit about COVID test, negative test, positive test, PCR that does not read anything outside of emphysema one and emphysema two, anyway, so they don't give a shit about that. So, we would fly into Mexico, within Mexico City or Puerto Vallarta, or Cancun, or anywhere. So then on the way back, because we couldn't fly back into LA because LA America still demanded fake tests, we would fly in to Tijuana. And then, you can walk across into America. Get this, without a test. Without a test. So, you can walk through but you can't fly through. You can walk through the border, no problem. Nobody asks a fucking question. No mask. Just go right in. And the if you fly, you got to prove that your negative. Bullshit, we'll call it bullshit because it's negative bullshit. So, there's some cool stuff. So, now, that things are opening up, we'll be going abroad. We'll be seeing more of Europe because we haven't been to Europe in over two years. And it's time. So, the big thing I want to talk about today is obviously what's happening in the world. And this is all part of it. And the bad people, we'll just call them the bad people. Today, we have good people and bad people. And that's it. We can call them names like Democrats and we can say they're liberals. We can call them communists. We can call them Nazis. We can call them all kinds of fucking names. There are so many, righ? Because remember, the concept of confusion, what we've been talking about so far is that there's division created from light to dark, but then even inside the light and even inside the dark, there's separation, division, and which does nothing but confusing and create this veil of fuckery. We're back to fuckery. So, my point is, with all the stuff that's happening in the world, there are good people and bad people. The good people, somehow always seem to be in God have some kind of faith, we'll call it faith, maybe a religion, they want good for humanity, they want good for this planet, whatever it is, they want good for children. Right? So, all these good people, they care about their country. They're called... these people are called patriots because they care about the Patria, then that makes them patriots. And there's patriotism in their chest. So, they do things that are good for the well being of all humanity. And obviously, they give a shit about the country they live in. So, we'll call these people, the good people. But then, you have the bad people that do everything against all of that, right? So, we can now say that it's biblical, its goes back thousands of years, we can go deep. But today, looking at all the fuckery department, they're doing a lot. They're busier than ever. They're in panic mode. For those of you that know what's happening out there, you have a little bit more ease into the information as it's coming across. But then there are a lot of people that really don't know, and if you're one of those, and I'm not... yeah, so it's not judgment, please take this. So, if you're one of those that you're still watching the news, you're still being brain fucked by the media, you still believe that there's a thing of virus, you still believe that masks are good, you still believe that people actually died because of this fake thing, you still believe that Russia is bad, and Putin is bad. And Elon Musk is bad. And Xi of China is bad and Trump is bad. All I'm going to tell you is that you simply just don't fucking know. You don't know the truth. And when I say the truth because you're going to come back to me, "What gives you the right to know the truth?" Well, because you got to study facts, right? Religion, for example, bases a lot of their stuff on what's called faith, right? I had a conversation a few nights ago with somebody, you just got to have faith in God. And I'm like, yeah, but what does faith mean? Well, you know, Faith means that you just believe and I'm like, okay, cool. So, faith, I believe, I believe in God. Got it. But what does faith really mean? So, if you go down to the concept of faith, it just means that you believe in the unseen. So most religion, most people in the world have built this thing around faith to simply believe in this thing that may be, may not be, may will one day be, we hope to god, it will be. It's just faith. And the reason we have faith, and here's the fuckery department, and I'm going to compare this to why there is truth today in what's happening in the world as opposed to just having faith that things are gonna work out. Faith means, they you don't have any fucking facts. I'm going to say it again, faith means lack of facts. When you have lack of facts, actual facts, that means that faith has to kick in because you got to fucking believe in something because holy shit, how can we not believe in this thing, something, whatever that is. So, to compare that to what's happening in the world today, science, for example, can only be based on facts. Science cannot exist if it... can you imagine if Science says, "We're just going to face it out, man. We're just going to hope to god those two molecules, they're just going to, we're just going to have faith that they work out." No, because you take science for what it is. And it's all about 100% about facts. So, we cannot, you can't tweak science. It just is what it is. Right? It's all about complete absolutes. So, today, and the reason I'm having this conversation around what's happening in the world today because a lot of people are scared, a lot of people don't know what to do, a lot of people are losing faith. Once again here we're back to faith because the only reason you're losing faith is because you fucking have faith and because you don't have any facts. So, what I'm telling you is get fucking facts, get factual, get information that's real. So today, you're like, "Well, where can you get information? Where can you get facts?" Number one, turn off the fucking TV. I mean, I don't know how, I've been talking about this for two plus years now on this show, off this show, get off the fucking juice. And what I mean by the juice. There's an addiction in the world. America is at an all time high addicted to the tube. We call it the tube, the television, that tell-a-lie-through-vision, right? We've been mind fucked by this light show. Right? Because you do this shit to the brain enough times the brain is going to go into comatose gonna say, "Yes," we become these robots. So, going back to about 1952 when the Communist agenda started For Americans, like there's a very specific plan. And you, guys, say, "Well, communism doesn't make any sense. There's no communism." Listen, there's a very specific communist agenda for the United States of America. But you say, well, the Communists were over there in Eastern Europe. No, they're fucking global. It's the same bad people. That's why I always go back to the bad people. They're not Democrats, they're not Nazis. They're not liberals, they're not communists. They're bad motherfuckers. It's very, very simple. It's the same bad people doing bad things. So, number one, turn off the TV because you have been programmed... Programming. We can program someone's mind to believe what they want. TVs are built through what, "Oh, let's look at the program to see what's on tonight." So, through programs, you can program people. Does that make sense? So, as you have been programmed by this thing called vision, through vision, they got access to your brain. And as they now were able to comatose your ass up here and stick you into a very specific state, they got access to your fucking soul. So, now, as soon as they got access to your soul, they own your ass because now, they can tell you anything they want through that same thing where they programmed you to behave. You're like, "Yes, yes, of course. Well, because the TV said so." So, they now tell you that this thing is real. That thing is real. Putin, bad. Xi, bad. Taiwan, good. Ukraine, good, poor people that support Ukraine, put out the flag. I mean, literally, I'm in Temecula wine country over the weekend. And I see a male with a shirt and it's got that light blue Ukrainian thing. And it says support Ukraine on the back of the shirt. And I'm like, what are the odds? This motherfucker is wearing a mask and it's outside and it's not hot. But it's very warm, we're outdoors beautiful day. I said what are the odds this motherfucker is wearing a mask? I get closer. He turns around, he's got a fucking mask on. This is the problem. What I'm telling... so, you're... sorry, I got a thousand things running through my head at the same time. I'm doing my best keep track of them, dammit. But here's the thing. I sound like Biden right there. Here's the thing, man." This thing that has been allowed to be brainwashed, to be mind fucked, we now have to start taking responsibility for this. And this is my big message today. We have to wake up. If you find yourself in a position where it's like, "We got to stand for Ukraine." You got to stop that. You got to figure out what the fuck is happening in Ukraine. How many bio labs are in Ukraine? Why is the Biden regime, and Obama, and all these bad motherfuckers behind Ukraine? Who is Ukraine? What is the human trafficking in Ukraine? What are they running through there? What kind of Adrenochrome, and I know some people are like, "Oh, you're crazy. You talk about blood from innocent children." Yes. Yes, this shits really, you guys. And once you get the facts, and you start waking up to the fact that there are laboratories around the world, underground, above ground, Ukraine, Taiwan, Wuhan. Wuhan had the biggest fucking Adrenochrome laboratory in the world. So, you think there might be a problem coming out and coming out of Wuhan? Point is, get information. So, you say "Well, we're gonna get information from, Andre?" Start following people that Trump follows. Some will talk about this level shit and some won't. Some will play it very safe. Some will stay very sort of surface because they're... the higher somebody has connected Trump, the more surface they will stay. The ones that are a few levels down. They'll get into the nitty gritty shit. They'll talk about human trafficking. They'll talk about the bio labs, they'll talk about what's happening inside the human body, what they're looking to do to us, what they did to humanity through all this vax shit, the boosters. I mean, once you figure out what the fuck is in the human body through the juice, we'll call it, a lot of people are going to fucking cry. Why do we have today what's called SADS. We used to have SIDS, right? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. And this only, the SIDS, only ever fucking came around when? When vaccines were installed. Back up in history, was there a thing called SIDS before vaccines? No, I mean, was there a natural shit here and there? Yes, called life but then vaccines kicked in and all of a sudden, what happened? So, for example SIDS, my parents first born, her name was Anina, A-N-I-N-A, and typical gave birth, hospital, etc. This is back in Romania, 1965-ish. Boom, gets a shot, goes home. I don't know how many days later she dies, just dies at home. SIDS, there it is, there's SIDS. But what's exciting today, and I'm being an asshole when I say exciting because you know, I don't mean that, I'm being very sarcastic when I say exciting. Today, we have what's called SADS. So SID, became SAD. And now, it SADS. My brain does this shit. It looks for humor. Anyway, so, today, we have sads called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, and you got people just literally dropping like fucking flies. The media is not going to cover it. They We will soon because it's being taken over by the good guys. It will... media will cover it soon. But why do we have people dropping like fucking flies? Like there's nothing different. Same air. Yeah, they're still spraying. They're not spraying anything new. It's the same Bromium, same Aluminum, same bullshit. Yep, they'll drop certain, what do you call those viruses up there to spread through public? Yep, they'll do that kind of shit too. But there's nothing new, technically, under the sun outside of what, there's only one new thing because once you understand that, COVID this 19 bullshit, it's never been isolated. It's never been a fucking virus. And it's not a thing. That's why you can't test for it. Therefore, the fucking PCR test had nothing to do with this. They transferred numbers from what? From frickin the common flu. How many people died of the flu every fucking year? And then what, in 2020, they disappear, '21, they disappear, '22. There's no fucking flu. They transferred numbers and people believed it. Like, Oh, my god, we're gonna get this COVID thing. We got to run out there and get a shot. And listen, if you are not understanding what I'm saying, if you don't understand what I'm saying, and this is the problem, when you lack information, and you believe in the bullshit of the world, anybody out there that's like, "This guy's an idiot. He doesn't know what he's talking about, propaganda, blasphemy. Got to take him to church." Oh, the TV's idiot box. Okay, got it. Cool. I was still not going to judge you. I was going to just respond to you. But my point is, if you're one of the people out there saying like, "What the fuck is this guy talking about?" All I'm requesting of us to open up just a little bit and start asking questions. The beautiful journey of waking up, not becoming woke. Woke will make you broke. That's the new thing. But waking up to the truth. And this is my plea to all of us, to humanity. We have to wake up and I'm going to bring this back to Trump because a lot of people think, "Oh, Orange Man, bad." It's up to us. It's up to us to do the research. Turn off the TV, start following the right people. So, look, I'm on Twitter now with a new account because my old account got shut down by dickheads. I'm still waiting for Elon, and I sent Elon a message because we're really tight, I'm kidding. I sent him a message. I'm like, what the fuck, dude, turn on my account. I just like have like 12 followers on Twitter right now. But the reason I got Twitter again is because I want to follow certain people. And there's some great, great information. on Twitter, there's a lot of people on Twitter that will give us the right information. So, my point to you is if you're like, "I don't know what to do, I don't know where to get information." Bullshit. If you don't wake up now, you just may be fucked forever. There's no better time... so, if you're listening to this, and you have your faith in God, what if God put this information in your ear, don't block it. Don't count it out. Don't resist and reject because we've done too much of the shit. Because just because information scares us, we have to protect ourselves. And we got to stay in our own little bubble of faith and know God will protect me. Bullshit. Get off your fucking ass, do something. Do what God is doing. God is an evolution, God is in constant motion. Get in motion, do something. Don't just sit there and say, "Oh, God will protect me. God will take care of me." Good luck with that. Or how's that working out for you? Because you're like, "Oh, I'm losing faith." Well, stop having faith and get some fucking facts. And then you don't need faith. Cool or cool. Whoop-whoop. And Truth Social, of course. Truth, there's some great shit on there. So, getting the information is crucial. The other thing that I'm watching a lot of people do, and I'm having this conversation today because I sort of checked myself last night, we're having a little dinner party. So, I was talking about the new Disney movie, whatever Buzz Lightyear bullshit, and he's gay. And many countries around the world are boycotting the movie. So, it had a very soft opening. There's humor in that but I can't do it here, dammit. So, I found myself talking about the problem of what Disney is doing, and who Disney is. And so, yes, we have to get this information out there. But what I'm getting at is that I think that all of this comes with a responsibility to focus on a solution at the same time. So, for example, and that's why in my post up above, I said, the collective consciousness, how is it helping create the problem, or is collective consciousness creating it? Because remember, these motherfuckers, the bad people are very, very good at this. Why do you think there are still drugs running rampant? And you say, "Yeah, well, because the CIA is the master drug dealer." Yes. But didn't they sell to us the concept of just say no to drugs. So, what we resist will persist. They know the human dynamic better than anybody. That's why they're able to create control through 9-11. Look what happened on 9-11. They fucking, boom, within a minute, they got control of the whole American population through, at that time, whatever, 300 million people, boom, control them, right, through fear. "Holy shit, we're being attacked." So, my point is, see, I got a thousand things going on. I'll be right back with you. Yes. So, the collective consciousness, the idea is this that when we focus on as a collective, for example, got it, because I was saying the drug thing. So, when they preached and pitched to us the concept of "Say no to drugs, war on drugs, fight cancer." Damn, how's cancer going? It's rampid. Why? Because they taught people to fight and they got the pink ribbon, and they march, and people donate money to fight cancer. When the fuck do they talk about a cure? They're like, March for health. They don't promote that shit. Why? Because that would actually promote health. My point is, what we focus on is what we're going to get. So, when you have hundreds of millions of people around the globe talking about what's happening in the world today, the fuckery, Ukraine, Russia, Taiwan now, what Turkey's doing, the UN, the EU, what's happening in America. I mean, there's so much happening. And we keep talking about the problem. When we talk about the problem, we feed it. So, what I'm requesting for all of us to do, and again, I caught myself last night talking about how this new Disney Pixar, whoever they are, and I don't watch this shit, so I don't care. But now, Buzz Lightyear is gay. And it's like, and what they're doing in the schools and what they're teaching, they're teaching sex and anal sex, and it's okay to be gay. It's okay to be transgender, "You may not know who you are at the age of three so that's okay. You might want to be a boy if you're a girl." And this is the shit that they're teaching. Right? So, again, we're just going back, we're simplifying everything the bad motherfuckers are doing bad things. That's it, simplify it. It doesn't matter because everything else they've created to keep us confused, to keep us busy, and to keep us divided. Right? Like, gosh, there's so many, so many ways. I mean, I was thinking the other day like we have blue collar, white collar. It's like who the fuck came up with that shit? Right? Why can't... we're all working? Oh, god, it's so because the ones white collar and one's blue collar, making more money, making less money. Yep, separation. There's division bitch. And these two motherfuckers can't hang out together. Why would a blue collar want to hang out with a white and white with blue? No, that person's over there, the white collar probably votes with this guy and the blue collar probably voted this guy. So, separate, separate separate this fucker is vegan, this fucker is overweight, separate, separate, separate. You follow me? One is successful one is not. I can go on and on. My point is, in everything that we're doing, I'm requesting for all of us to go into a solution mode and talk about solutions. So, even though there are these theoretical problems, there are these situations in the world, can we back them up with, "Yes, that's there but..." and it's funny because all these people that are of faith, and that are Christian, and God-fearing, as they call it, I've never understood what it means to be God-fearing so don't judge me as I don't judge you, I'm just saying, I don't understand it. God loves me. Why the fuck would I fear him? I made in His image but I should fear him, don't... anyway. So, you have a lot of people that are of faith, "God's coming back, Jesus is going to re-enter this plane," whatever that concept is, or we're going to be sucked up called, not ascension, but Rapture. Cool. Cool. In that same process as people are preaching God is great, and God is good. And God is amazing because there has to be a phenomenal creator. But in the same breath, we're so focused on the problem and I see so much fear in all of these religious communities is my point. There's fear fear, fear, doom gloom. Look at so many people dying, so many people hurting. Oh, yeah, but God's going to save the day. And I'm not saying God won't. What I'm suggesting is I think we can get there faster through the collective consciousness because once we understand that this field, Einstein called this emptiness, this nothingness, he called it the field, that means we have access to the field to do what we want with it, meaning that our thoughts are not here. Our thoughts are out here. They're literally out here in the field. So, any thought that I have is an actual, an antenna wave, a radio wave that goes out into the field? So, my thoughts good, bad, indifferent, judgmental, fearful, excited, whatever my thoughts are, they go into the field. And guess what the field gives me back? The fucking same. The same. When I put out, karma, right? The concept of Karma, what I put out I get back, it's just a fucking mirror. But it's a beautiful field. So, if two of us focus on, because I remember at the beginning of this COVID shit, I had friends on Facebook like friends that we parted ways, like actually they blocked me because I'm saying, hey, it's bullshit. It's fake. And they're like, "200 million people are going to die of COVID." And I'm like, okay, it's not the case. My point is, I got blocked, deleted by friends on here because of the rhetoric. Bear with me, I had six thoughts come in at the same time. So, the field, we can do what we want with it. What we put in, comes back out, Einstein calls it the field. And, gosh, there was a point I wanted to make about this, about the beginning of COVID. Oh, yeah. So, the fear factor of 200 million, 300 million people are going to die of COVID. Obviously, didn't fucking happen because it was fake. But this was the rhetoric. So, my point is, can you imagine if I have thoughts around, people are gonna die, people are gonna die, people are gonna die. And I have these constantly. But then if I can get you to do it with me, that means, where two or more gather, what? Where two or more gather... So, now we get three of us, and five of us, and 10 of us to have the same thoughts, boom, boom, boom, boom, right? How about 100,000 of us? How about a million of us? How about millions of us? How about hundreds of millions having the same identical fearful thoughts? What are we feeding? What are we creating, ah, the problem. So, that's how we've been conditioned for the last 70 years. And I'm not exaggerating because it started, funny enough, in 1952, this plan here specifically, I'm not talking about the big evil plan that's been going on for the last three ages, meaning 6000 years, I'm talking about 1952-2022, we're 70 years on the fucking nose. So, what we do is up to us, what we think about is choice. This field is up to me. The movie, The Matrix is really a documentary, you should watch it, again, all of them. But the first one was the best, in my opinion, because it gave us the book of creation. It really explained what the matrix is and the power that we have. They gave us faith, so we don't have fucking power, you guys. They told us that fate so we don't have facts because somebody with facts is powerful, is in truth, is free. How many Christians, and I know I have this conversation a lot, and I use the concept of Christianity because they're the most, they're the loudest, and "I have the kingdom to heaven, then fuck the other ones," right? And so, I use that, and I come from Christianity, and I believe in God, I struggle with a lot of it. But there's just, there's a lot of... I have faith, but I don't know what the fuck is going on. I have faith, but doom and gloom, I have faith. So, I want us all, Christian, Muslim, Jew, I don't care what you are, we're human. We're all human. And we operate, funny enough, in the same fashion. We operate, if I have a book that's going to get written one day, it's called, We Eat The Same, We Shit The Same. And I just want to talk about the fact that we're just one, we're one humanity. There's no difference between any of us outside of what's in here, and what's in here. Our beliefs separated us. Our beliefs made me better than you and you better than me, and we start judgment. And we start all these fucking games that get us where? Into poison and pain inside of our own bodies. So, what I'm pitching today is the idea to come home. Like let's come back home to God. And whatever that God means for you, it's here. God for me is a creation, the creator, and to some of you this may sound woo-woo, this is just based on my studies, my journey, you don't have to agree with me. I don't have to agree with you but I can respect you as long as you respect me. So we just respect each other and it's okay because if we start judging, then we start separating and we start dividing, and that's what they want us to do. They want us to fight. Fuck you, Fuck you. Understand? So, coming together and starting to focus on a solution. So, yes, there's a thing in Russia, Ukraine, okay, why? Why is it happening? Like get involved and get details. Don't just talk about it. Don't take information from the news, and from your neighbor, and from your family, and from whoever just because that person said, "Fuck, Putin. Poor Zelinsky. Oh, poor Zelinsky." He's got a war but during the war, there was a U2, a concert. Oh, poor Zelinsky. Oh, Zelinsky has all these politicians flying to get pictures with him? Oh, poor guy. Oh, no. He's got all these actors like Ben Stiller, yesterday, flying to fucking Ukraine, in a war zone, to get pictures. Oh, poor, poor Zelinsky. But once you start doing research and all the money that's being funneled into Ukraine, you got to start saying, why, why is the Biden, the Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes, why are all these bad motherfuckers so around Ukraine, what is in Ukraine? Why is the bad party... because it's got the shit by now, if you don't know the Biden party is, and I say Biden so fucking loosely because the person we see today is not Biden, look at Biden pictures from 15 years ago, look at this fucking mascot, muppet, puppet, whatever he is masked. We don't know what's in there. We don't know what it is. But what we do know is that these bad people are supporting a certain thing. That right there should just stop you in your tracks and say why? Why is so much money going to this place? Who's being bribed? Who's being paid off? Who's being bought off? What are they supporting? What are they creating? This is the shit you got to start figuring out. Don't just get into the emotional shit what the news feeds you and the neighbors, and "Oh, poor Ukrainians." Yet, and here's the problem. Most of you don't even know this because if you're watching just the TV, the MSM, and all that shit, they're not showing you that actual Ukrainian army is fucking up Ukrainian villages. Oh, you haven't seen that? Oh, because it doesn't show that on CNN. They're not showing the reality. Oh, that sucks. But you can see it elsewhere. And then, you have actual people, Ukrainians, talking about the Russian army, how they're there to fucking help them and feed them and give them food. What? I'm like, how is this possible? How is this possible? Because everybody... I mean, come on. We're being sold, Russia-bad. Ukraine-good. Think mirror. Everything that the... everything the media is giving you. I want you, I'm not even like asking you anymore, like you have to start flipping the script. You got to flip the script. If they say Russia, bad? Flip the script. Just fucking know that Russia, good. Putin, bad. Bullshit. Same idea. Putin is not Putin, dammit. Putin look at Putin from 10, 12 years ago. There are actually a few of them but the Putin we have today, he's a friend of Trump. There are very specific people in the world today that are working with the Trump team to get rid of the deep state. So, why do you think we're fucking up Ukraine? Because all the bad people's everything is in Ukraine. There's so much bad in there. You have no fucking idea. I don't even have the slightest idea of what's really there. So, there's an actual video of Putin's wife years ago saying, "Yeah, they killed off my husband, and they replaced him." [inaudible] from his wife. But you know, what people? Do they see that they're like, "Oh, I can't be real. I can't be true. Oh, she's probably an actor saying these things." And that's reality, cognitive dissonance, what it does to the Spirit because the problem is cognitive dissonance, yes, it happens up here, in this conscious mind but what it does to the subconscious mind, to the spirit, is where the big, big problem is, because we start identifying with it. It's evil. You want Trump back? Trump never left you, guys, you got to understand there's a big game here. There's a big, big, big game here. Trump never left. Trump is still the president of the republic. These elections in 2020 were obviously fake as shit. Trump never... what you call that thing when they... God, I struggle with this word. English is my fourth language just so you, guys, know. He never did, you guys know that fucking, somebody give me the word. Anyway, so, Trump never gave up. He never gave up his presidency. Right? So, he's still the president of the republic. And most people don't... He never conceded. That's right. It's funny, conceded as two meanings, to be conceited, egotistical, or to have conceded, to give up, so to concede. So, he never conceded. So, don't you stop and ask why, or do you just believe the fucking media like, "Yeah, well, CNN said, that guy..." Al Roker, whatever, I don't know those people. But you got to flip the script. So, Trump is still in position. You will meet JFK Jr. soon. I fucking guarantee it. And there's a massive, massive plan to do what's happening today. Think about what's happening in the world and how many pedophiles, how many human traffickers are being, not just caught, but arrested and prosecuted. I mean, we're talking hundreds of thousands around the world. If Biden, the concept of Biden, I just call it the Biden, because that's just the term today, build back better, because that worked out. If that regime was real, do you really think human trafficking would be stopped and prosecuted? No. Do you think pedophilia would be stopped and prosecuted? No, they would still be promoted. So, you got to go behind the scenes and really look at what's happening in the world. Remember, it's a military movement, everything happening today, watch the military, where's the military? What's happening in Europe? What's happening in the Middle East? What's happening in Africa? Africa is a big part of everything going on. So, when you say that you want Trump back I understand what you're saying. He never conceded his position to the Republic, to the Constitutional Republic. To the piece of shit corporation, that's been null and void because they filed bankruptcy way back when, yeah, that's null and void. It doesn't exist. Just like you have a president of Coca Cola, you have presidents of any corporation, America was a corporation, and therefore, you had all these presidents. So, Trump is here, Trump is fine. We have to fix... listen, if 2020 doesn't get fixed, nothing ever will, nothing will ever matter. This plan has been in place for a long, long time. When I say long time, go back to JFK because obviously JFK knew what he was doing. And people say, well, JFK is of the wrong family, evil family. It doesn't fucking matter. He took on the Federal Reserve. To take on the Federal Reserve, because he wanted to have gold back currency and get rid of Fiat, which meant get rid of the Federal Reserve, get rid of the IRS, get rid of the Rothschilds, get rid of the Rockefellers, he took on some motherfuckers. Well, obviously he knew what he was doing. And then he caught on to the plan and they're going to whack him in that beautiful grass, you know. So, if you do more research, you'll figure out that they replaced his body in the car and he never got shot. He never got killed. He never got whacked, lived a beautiful life. And I say lived because technically he passed right over a year ago at the age of 103. But then I see something else today saying that he's still alive. I'm not there yet. But this plan is deep and long. And you look at Trump, going back to JFK, look who Trump hung out with his whole life. All the dirty motherfuckers. From Epstein, to the Clintons, to the bushes. Who did he hang out with? Everybody. He went through politicians like hotcakes. And then he went through Hollywood like hotcakes. He got them all. When he says we have it all, and we got them all, we caught them all, he's not playing around. He's been at this game a long fucking time. So, when I'm saying like, this is the plan... and I know it's hard to watch. It's hard to watch gas at seven, eight bucks a gallon, but that's okay. Right? Maybe get on a fucking bicycle, get on a horse, I don't... do something else. Instead of sitting there and bitching and complaining, do something else. Back to Trump. If you don't know the reality and the truth behind Trump and the military operation... and when we handed power over to the military. It was a peaceful transition to the military. You got to have that. I mean, there's so much information out there if you just get involved. Pay attention, get out of emotion. When emotion kicks in, please understand, this goes away. As soon as emotion kicks into your body. You're like, "Fuck yeah, fuck the... fuck those guys, fuck..." anger, pissed. This is gone. It's out. You're not... can't think clearly. That's why when people argue and they get all fucking hot, and emotional, and couples, like when Tami and I we have an argument, and I get hot, and I'm like, I'm fuck now because I'm hot. This is gone. It's just all emotion and it doesn't work. So, get out of emotion and go into facts. Start finding facts. Why the fuck is Trump still doing rallies? Why is Trump still doing rallies? Like this kind of stuff should tell you all kinds of good stuff. Whoo. I was stretching my back a little bit there because it's getting a little tight. All right. So, yeah, so I think you guys get the point. It's focused on positive. It's bring the collective consciousness into what we want. So, if you find yourself talking about the problem, piggyback it with, "Yeah, but it's going to be fine because..." and give some kind of a solution. Like start brainwashing yourself with solutions. And this is actually a really cool exercise to do in life, period. Because if you started doing inventory and all the thoughts you have, and all the limiting beliefs, and all the "I'm not enough, I'm not good enough. I'm a piece of shit," if you really pay attention to what's happening up here, like, would you hang out with you? Would you like you if you were able to like, watch all these thoughts over there? Would you hang out with that person if it was a mirror of this? And most of us are like, "Oh, shit, fuck." Anyway, so with that said, do something about it, self-develop. I'll tell you, guys, in my business and my brand, Badassery Factory, we coach people. We get people basically from where they are to where they want to be. So, we do that through one on one coaching. We do group coaching. We have events called bootcamps. There's a bootcamp coming up August 8, 9, 10. In a beautiful venue where our backyard is the beach in San Diego, just gorgeous. It's going to be fucking amazing. But my point is, this is a three day event where you, people, our clients come in and we literally, in three days, take them apart and then put them back together with a beautiful new, all kinds of good stuff on the inside to be able to take on the future in a totally new way so they can achieve all the shit they want to achieve. So, technically, simple but the process is so beautiful. A lot of friendships are made. We're together for three days, we play, we cry, we laugh, we beat the shit out of people, not physically, sometimes. But point is, it's a phenomenal environment where people grow. And if you find yourself in a constant negativity, this is an event that can help you get out. This is an event where you can learn tools to keep you in a positive mindset, to shift your beliefs from "I'm not enough" to like 'Holy shit, God made me and his image or their image." And that's another fuckery right there. The Bible doesn't say, "In My image," it says, "In Our image," but most Christians don't know that. And then you say, "Well, who's our? Well, the Holy Trinity. "Well, I didn't think spirit had a..." Anyway, I can go on and on. Back to the bootcamp. They're just really, really amazing events. So, and then we party, we have some cocktails, we eat, we really celebrate life. But the point to all of this is for the people that attend to grow, to change the negative belief patterns, to shift from the old "I'm not enough, all the shit that mommy told me, Daddy told me, society told me, Facebook told me. I'm not enough. I'm not good enough. I only got two likes" into "Holy shit. I'm here to do great things, I can achieve anything. I believe I am powerful, I am worthy. And I love myself. I respect myself, I honor myself from now." From that foundation of love and respect and honor, what can't you do? And the answer is nothing. You can do anything the fuck you want. So, all right. "Trump is much more powerful than a common man. He is more than he was made for this time." 100%. And that's the other thing. Trump is superhuman, a totally agree. He's very much got the hand of God, the light of God on him. He's doing some great stuff. But I want to put that on you too, all of you. You're here in this time, you could have incarnated 1000 years ago, you could have incarnated in 50 years from now, why the fuck are you born in this life? What are you supposed to do? What are you meant to do? What is the seed that God put inside of you that you're not using? What's that talent that God gave you that you're not doing shit with? Or maybe you're playing small? It's only like, "Well, I'm doing the best I can. But under the circumstances, with gas prices, I can't really go do ABC." They're excuses. So my point is, you're alive today for a reason. God gave you breath today for a reason. What are you doing with it? Are you maximizing your potential, or are you playing small? Are you giving a just 50% because you have excuses because it's too hot outside, because I'm tired, I didn't get enough sleep last night, so therefore... I don't have a car to be able to get to that event"? So, what excuses are you making based on your beliefs that, maybe you're scared of success, because you don't deserve to be wealthy, to be rich, maybe you don't feel you're important enough for people to listen to you, to open your mouth and change people's lives, maybe you stopped believing in your long time ago, because somebody told you you're a piece of shit, and your mouth looks funny when you talk. Look, when I came to America, I fell off a bicycle. See how my chin is crooked here? See how it's crooked? And because of that, see, this side is like closed. For years, I would have like this thing like, "Shit, my mouth is crooked when I talk and all this stuff." But I'm like, who gives a shit? It's the voice. My shape, and my mouth, and my chin has nothing to do with how I'm going to impact people's lives. It's my energy that goes into a human being that shifts them into "Holy shit, I'm a fucking badass." Not my lips or my chin. It's the energy coming through my eyes. It's the energy coming through my body. It's the voice that's going to change somebody's life. So, back to you. What are you not doing that you're supposed to be doing, or that you should be doing, or that God told you to be doing but you're not doing it because you're scared, or you're just playing fucking small? Figure that shit out. And yes, at the bootcamp, back to the bootcamp. That's the shit we pull out. We figure you out, take you apart, shake you up a bit, figure out what the fuck is inside of you, get rid of the trash from the past, put you on a path to success. And this way you can soar, be happy, be free, and enjoy this fucking life because if you're not enjoying it, regardless of what's happening out there if you're not happy and free, what is the fucking point? Love you, guys. See you next week. For those of you that are not in the Badassery Factory group, we do a Thursday Q&A where you, guys, ask me questions. So, it's coaching. It's not political. It's not, none of this. It's just coaching. So, anybody that has stuff they want to grow on, maybe they can't afford to get to bootcamp. This is why I do these Thursday Q&As to help people with, "Hey, I'm struggling with my spouse, my kid, my anxiety, my depression, my whatever. Ask me questions, I'll answer them, give you guys tools to be able to fix them, work on it. So, that's it. Love you, guys. Have a phenomenal week, kick ass, and figure out your shit. Stay strong. Bye. Thank you all for tuning in. Thank you for listening. And remember, the goal here is for you to gain information that can change your life that can set you up for a better tomorrow on your way to becoming a badass. And remember, a badass is simply somebody that is free and happy. If you're not happy and free, on the inside, we're empty. You know what to do. Click all the love buttons, subscribe button, leave a comment, leave a beautiful review because, of course, you're in love with this information. And of course, it is changing your life. Share this with someone, please, get this information out there. Love you, guys, and I'll see you on the next episode.