Intro 0:00 Who's a badass? That's right. You're a badass. Welcome everyone to the weekly show where we will go deep into the human dynamic and what makes us all extremely special. We're breaking the stereotypical mold of the badass on a Harley with tattoos, and we're rebranding the badass with any human being that's happy and free. One can have all the money, houses, the Harley's and tattoos, Lamborghinis yet if they're not happy and free, what's the point? Let's push some buttons and start some shit. Welcome to the weekly show, Who's A Badass. Andre 0:43 Welcome to... I'm in Southern California. Beautiful weather today. Sunny, gorgeous. That's just pretty perfect. Hot steak for lunch. Yeah, I'll tell you, guys, I mean, the conversation today is going to be pretty simple. I'm just going to tell you what we did and what we're finding. And I'm doing it because I'm seeing so many people out there talking about it, asking about it. Then I'll tell you, guys, why we decided to do it. It was just actually, there wasn't a big plan, like, oh, we're gonna start the carnivore diet. We just said, hey, let's try this thing. We'll start now. And we just did. But some really, really cool things came out of it. So, as we watched people out there, and stories, and weight loss, and people curing certain ailments, diseases with their bodies. I'm obviously going to give you guys the small print where this... I'm not giving anybody any kind of medical advice. I'm not telling you what to do. I'm not prescribing that you do this. I'm telling you my fucking story. And that's it. You'd like my story or you don't it doesn't matter. It's just my story. For those all y'all that are here, welcome. This is the who's a badass show comes to you live every single Tuesday at 2pm. Pacific. This here gets recorded live. But then this same video will get chopped up by our beautiful video editors in Russia. We have a new guy in Russia. Funny enough. Long story. He texted me yesterday. He's like, Upwork, we got them from Upwork. That's how we met. And he said, "Hey, Upwork is going to stop allowing work in Russia as of May 1," or really now but because we already have a contract, they're going to cut us off on May 1. I said fuck Upwork. We'll figure it out on the side. Anyway, amazing political bullshit that's going on in the world. It's a beautiful theater. Right? And remember, theaters have curtains. We'll leave it there. And so, this video gets taken by Alexander, he chops it up very nicely. It goes to the YouTube channel, the Who's A Badass YouTube channel. And then, from there, he chops up snippets. All the snippets that you see out there, the 62nd things that you see on Instagram and Facebook, and the reels, and the stories. And on Truth Social, everywhere, he makes them he chops them up for us, puts all the transcripts in and boom, boom, bam, bam, we send out little messages of hope, and of thought, and of of inspiration, do something different and better with your life because it's up to you. And then, the audio of this gets chopped up by another team in the Philippines. And that goes to the Who's A Badass Podcast on all the iTunes and all the other beautiful places out there in the podcast audio world. Cool or cool? Everybody give me a cool. I'm waiting. Dammit. Give me a cool. All right. So, today, did I mention the bootcamp? I did. Funny enough, Tami and I were just, before I got on to this thing. We're talking about bootcamp dates. And so, we like we have these theoretical dates. And I'm like, right, gold, done. That's it. I'm just going to go announce the date. And she's chasing me down. You better not. So, I can't. But soon this week, we will have dates coming out. All right, my... so I want to back up to why I'm doing this conversation, why I'm telling this story. One, my weight over the last 17 years has been up and down, up and down, up and down. And it was that time of life when I was 34-ish, 35 business was amazing. Like we're killing it. Stress was all time high, money was great. So, with all that came a bunch of stuff, and I put on weight. I don't know. I'm sure there's a doctor that can break down, "Well, stress does this to your body. And this alcohol consumption will fuck you up on this side. And then if you eat too much of this food, blah, blah, blah." I got fat, right? That's the result. And today, we're going to focus on the result as well because for me, it's always been about the results. Just like in business, I don't give a shit what it is. What's the result? Are you making money? What's the bottom line? Right? We can create stories as much as we want. But all that matters is what's the end result. Are you happy? Is your relationship with your wife phenomenal? Are you healthy? Are you excited about life? Right? Because those are the results that we're fighting for. All right. So, as my weight fluctuated all over the place. I got up to 50 pounds over. Then, I got to 50 pounds under. This is all in the last 15 years, just mind jump. Up and down, up and down. I tried this shake, that shake, this diet, this pill, that workout system, this coach, that coach. And I'll tell you this, after all the trials, and even though this conversation right now at least is about weight loss, the carnivore diet is not. And it's funny because how the word diet has been sold to our brains by society, that diet has to do with weight loss, bullshit. If you look up diet, it means what the fuck you're eating, right? It's a consumption. So, my journey of consuming calories, because this is another lesson of calories in, calories out. It's just energy. You, guys, know I love talking about energy. Everything in Badassery Factory is all about energy. So, understanding that energy that you're in taking, and then not using that energy has to transform, right? Because you can't make energy. You, what do you do with it? Can it be created or destroyed? No, it can only be transferred. So, if you take in a burger, that's 1000 calories. What are you going to do with it? Are you working off only 800 calories and then whatever the body does another 100, let's say now, you have an excess of 100 calories. And I'm my goal here is not to teach you about caloric intake or the diet world. Doesn't matter. What I'm telling you is what I learned in this whole journey. So, calories in, calories out, weight loss up and down, weight gain up and down. It's been a journey. About a year ago, I got to a place, not of my heaviest, my heaviest was 250 just to keep it real. I was still hot. Don't get me wrong, sexy galore. I'm kidding. There was nothing sexy about that. But I got up to 250 this is years years years ago. Well, about three years ago, probably right before the shutdown, somewhere there, I got up to about 241 again. So, I'm like son of a bitch, it's just... it's not fun. It's not good, blah blah blah, right? All the mental shits started kicking in. Meanwhile, I'm a fucking life coach, and motivation coach, and all these fun, phenomenal things. So, about a year and a half ago into this beautiful shutdown, maybe a year, yeah, a year, a year and a half ago, somewhere there, I started saying, hey, I got to do something. I got to workout. I have to find a system that works for me. Gyms are shut down. Nothing available out there in the world. So, I set up a gym at home and I started doing stuff. I started doing resistance, and muscle stuff, and putting on some muscle, not necessarily cardio, and I started figuring out how to eat. And I went into a journey of, basically, paleo. Paleo worked for me really, really well, which meant that I would do proteins and vegetables. And I know paleo for example allows a few other things. For me, what I loved, what worked really well for me to drop weight was protein and vegetables. Did that for some time. But again, it went up and down, and up and down, and up and down. And then, my father passed away, then I put on some weight to over the holidays because I thought, well, fuck it, you're going to die one day, screw it. We'll just eat enjoy life. It's what dad wouldn't want. That was not good. Not a smart decision, because then you got to go and do all that bullshit. Then my mom dies back in May of last year, same thing. We went through about a month of... man... got to eat got to celebrate life because what else you're going to do? Right? Stupid. But this is the journey of the up and down, up and down, up and down. Meanwhile, I kept searching. I kept searching what to do, how to do it better. What makes sense for me? Why does protein work? Why does vegetable work? Why together I feel the best? Blah blah blah, right? And as I went through this trial and error journey, let's say, over the last year plus, figured out what worked, figured out how I can drop weight quickly if you will. And I also learned how to put on calories. I also learned how to put on weight is my point. And what's interesting is, I'll tell you anybody that's out there thinking, man, I got to drop some weight. So. there's a conversation here about dropping weight, right, obviously. But it doesn't have to be with a carnivore because the carnivore does so much more than dropping weight. And I don't like the word losing weight because when you lose things, the brain is automatically trained to go find them. Lose your keys, what are you going to do? Oh, my god, I got to find my keys, right? So, drop, release, etc. So, the conversation will partake in the dropping and releasing of extra stored fat, which is just energy that was never used, it was transferred. So, when the burger that I took in was not consumed by me working out or doing any kind of physical activity, that excess can chloric intake was stored, it was transferred into things called fat, love handles, belly, you get the point. So, in this me learning about me and getting to a place of constantly searching, and I'm telling you the story for a reason because this was a big part of running into or attracting the carnivore diet. The focus, what we focus on in life we get. And this works for relationships, it works for my happiness, it works for health, it works for money, it works for business, it works for scaling. Put the blinders on, even if it's unconscious behavior, meaning that I'm going to do this. I'm setting my mind to getting whether you want to call it, healthy, healthier, a certain weight you want to be at like a goal, a target, right? Very, very important to know where the fuck you're going because if that's not there, then it's going to be all over the place like I was for years, right? So, I have a goal, right? And it's 208 pounds, 208, has nothing to do with Idaho. Nothing to do with Chris Robinson. Zero. Zero to do with anybody. It's just... that's my go target weight. It's 208. So, I'm currently at 217. I started at 241 back eons, whatever, about a year ago, 241, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down. And then now, fast forward to how... because I kept searching, looking, stunning, etc. Somehow, these snippets, this beautiful reel, the real is the short videos that we see out there in IG world, Facebook world, TikTock, et cetera. I started watching or being exposed to these people talking about eating fucking meat, carnivore, the concept of carnivore. And I'm like, well, I am a carnivore, but I'm also, I'm a herbivore, and I'm really an omnivore and I'm... right? So, I get the concept of what it is. I never understood that it's a way of eating or as we call it a diet. So, as I started watching, these MDs, and this is what got my attention, that MDs are carnivores and they don't just tell you why carnivore, they back it up with bloodwork, they back it up with actual example of here's what a healthy record looks like. And here's one that's fucked up. Here's a vegan one. And here's a carnivore one. And what's amazing is that we've all been sold that, got to eat your greens, got to have... you gotta, as little kids, you got to give them the trees, the broccoli, right? How many kids do you know that come out of their mama's womb and they go for the fucking broccoli, or the green beans, or the carrots, right? How many? I'm sure if they see it around enough but nobody really goes for it. Kids are not, none of us are naturally inclined to vegetables. If you're vegan, just take this conversation for what it is. I'm not saying you're wrong for doing it. If you're a carnivore, I'm not saying you're right or wrong. I'm, this is my story. And these are just my opinions. And I'm going to tell you what worked for me. And nothing really didn't work for me. So, I'm just going to tell you the story. How's that? You deal with it. Hey, yo. "Beeravore." So, I watch all these guys, carnivore MD is one of them, a few doctors on, gosh, I'm trying to think of their names, but whatever. Well, I can post them later on YouTube, on Instagram, on TikTok. And I'm watching all these guys, they're rip, their cut. They're 45 years old, 55 years old, 65 years old, 80 years old. They've been carnivore for five years, 10 years, 15 years. I'm like, what the? Like, where have I been? And then I'll tell you what got me, what threw me over the fence was Joe Rogan. People love Joe. People hate Joe. Doesn't matter to me. I love Joe Rogan because he speaks truth and he's got balls and great. But he happens one day to talk about, "Hey, here are my results after 30 days of carnivore." Eating like a carnivore, eating carnivore die, whatever you call it. So, I saw pictures, he put up a picture before and after. I'm like, holy shit. He said he didn't change anything else. He did the same workouts, did the same routine, work, wake up, nothing changed. What changed was what he put in his mouth. What he put in the system. We are what we eat. So I guess if you eat a lot of pork, you might be a piggy. I eat bacon every day. I eat bacon fat every single day and it's wonderful. Now, before I get there. So, I see this video of Joe Rogan or sorry video/then photos, and I'm like, holy shit this is, I mean, it's interesting that I watch a couple of videos, interviews of him on his show with a couple of doctors that are now all carnivore and here's why. And here's how they healed this issue, and healed this issue, and nothing else worked for 20, 30 years. Excuse me. I'm going to do this really quick. I muted so you guys don't hear my stuff. So, as I watch all these doctors now talk about bloodwork and the results, for me, extremely important results. It's all about results. I don't give a shit about the opinions, journeys, stories, fuck all that. Show me results, right? And it got my attention. So, I'm like, holy shit. This is really, really interesting. So, one day, Tami and I are coming back from Santa Barbara. It's a Sunday, we're driving back. It happened to, as we're driving and I have my phone up on top there and somehow, video pops up. And it's one of these carnivore conversations. So, I said, babe, have you seen this? Have you heard this? Have you looked into this at all? She was like, "Well, what do you mean?" So I said, everybody... so, I tell her about it. And she was like, well, let's try it. I said, all right, let's start tomorrow. So, we get back that night, have dinner with the girls, etc. And then the next morning, we are off and running. We don't know what the fuck we're doing. We just know it's carnivore so we do some quick YouTube videos. What do you eat on carnivore diet? And everybody's like, "Well, here's what I do." And there are different schools of carnivore diet. They're very similar but there's still, funny enough, there's like separation in even fucking carnivore, right? Because it's like, even in the vegan world, "Well, you know, you can't do this. And you have to do it this way." "No, no, no. On our side, you can do it like this." It's like, fuck, just be vegan. Be carnivore, dammit. So, there are some different camps in the carnivore world. So, you have people that say, animal and animal byproducts only. You cannot touch anything else and the story. Then you have other camps that say, "Well, you can have some fruit along with..." so, everybody, sorry. So, everybody does agree that animal and animal products, byproducts, are the foundation. On top of that, some people say you can do some fruit, some people say you can do honey, some people say you cannot do honey, being that it's an animal product and what it does for the body, blah, blah, blah, it's supposed to be phenomenal. So, some Yes, some No. So, as we research this thing, we just went for it. And we already eat at home, even out as much as possible, clean. Meaning organic, grass-fed, raw. So, as much as possible, literally, 80 to 90% of our consumption in general, is already all of that. So, now, it wasn't a big deal to go into the meat world and the byproduct world. And what I mean by product, it's this. It's any product that comes from an animal, which means from a cow, obviously, you got the beef, so you got all the different cuts of meat, right, so that's the animal part. Then, you have the organs. So, you can do the livers, and the kidneys, and the heart, and the testicles and all that. I haven't done the testicles but there are people that do them, and they do them raw. And I'm like, you must like balls. And that's okay. Remember, I'm not judging if you're vegan, I'm not judging you if you're a carnivore, and I'm not judging, if you like balls. Sorry, I had to, there it is. So, my coffee right now, which I have about, I don't know, two, three to four cups a day, depending on how I feel, and what I want. But inside of coffee, I'll get back to meat, I'm all over the place. But inside of my coffee, we do ghee. Ghee is unclarified butter. There's a really cool brand. And I'll do a post about it. Because this brand is so cool. Like they only make it during a full moon. It's like really, really cool. Like they need that energy to make it and I don't know, very cool. So, from a cow, you get all the cuts of meat, you get all the organs, and to each his own, right? But now, the cow produces milk, and from the milk now, it has to be raw. And this is something that we've done for many, many, many, many years. Like we've been into this healthy world, not necessarily paying attention to calories or how to mix foods in the body because different foods react to other foods differently in the body, and they don't digest properly, and they create inflammation, blah, blah, blah. So, milk needs to be raw, which means it's not boiled the fuck out of. I guess that's what it means. It's like, what does it mean to pasteurize milk? They boil the fuck out of it. They kill all nutrients, so then when it goes into the body, you're basically just having bad shit, if you will. When it's raw, you're getting all the nutrition from the cow through that milk. So, we can use milk, now, for a few different things. What's cool from the milk, now, you can produce cheeses, right? Not that we're making cheese but we purchase raw cheese. And our raw cheeses, funny enough, more and more. Then you got to ask yourself why is raw, why was raw milk illegal, or raw products in general illegal? Why is it that only two stores in our whole fucking neighborhood, only two stores offer raw products, sprouts and Whole Foods? I got my opinions about the business behind all these guys but point is they do offer these products and then there are some that are imported from Western Europe, etc. So, raw cheese is very, very important. So, we, for example, will start in the morning. So, cheeses are very, very important. Then, we'll take the heavy cream, raw heavy cream, and it's a local California farm that we get all the stuff from, and this heavy whipping cream, it's just called heavy cream. It's called whipping because it's used for cooking and baking etc. but we use it for coffee. Ah, so, now, you take and it's just pure fat, like half and half. What's half and half? It's half cream and half milk. So, we got rid of the milk and we just went straight for the fat in the cream. So, in the coffee, we'll do ghee, which is unclarified butter. And then we'll do the raw cream from the mama source from the cow. Cheeses all day long. So, anything that comes from an animal, consume the shit out of it. Let's go to the beef. There's a big difference. So, this is now, even if you're not going to do carnivore, understanding what grass-fed means as opposed to corn-fed. Man, what a difference, understanding what it does to the human body. And why did they... because look, we know the government's not here to help us. It's got the... shit, right? The government is not here to help us. So, you back this up 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years and how did people look back in the '70s? What kind of figure, and that's why it was called a figure, did people have back in the '70s? Go look at photographs of people at the beach back in the '70s everybody was fucking fit. Nobody worked out. Gold's Gym was barely launching back then. We didn't have the gym craze 24-hour Fitness, LA Fitness, Your Mom's fitness, Daddy's Weights. There wasn't any of that people were just healthy. Why? Well, because of the food. They weren't fucking with the food just yet. The experimenting started in the '50s and it got to the '60s' and '70s, '80s and then it grew, grew, grew, GMOs. GMOs are a mofo. But go back to why we started they started feeding cows corn. When does a cow naturally go for? "Oh, my god, there's corn, corn field. We're going to go for the cornfield because that's what naturally comes to us, is corn." No, they eat fucking grass. They are grass eaters. You put them out in the field. What do they eat? They don't eat flowers. They don't eat... they eat fucking grass. That's how they're built. We're told, through government, through society, through brainwashing, "Don't eat a lot of red meat. Red meat, cholesterol, high cholesterol." I mean, how much brain fucking did we all receive about red meat and pork? Pork is in the Bible. "Don't eat pork because it's bad for you." And bacon. "Got to watch the bacon because it's high in fat and cholesterol." Right? So, we were fed these stories and these, I call them propaganda, just like veganism. When somebody pushes an agenda, there's an agenda behind it. Right? When somebody pushes an agenda when they push a rhetoric, there's something behind it. And it's usually fucking money or it's evil, which maybe sometimes it's both or the same thing. So, if the government now says, "Corn-fed cows, they've better flavor and we can fatten them up faster." Well, why the fuck would you want to fatten them up faster if it's unnatural for them. But here's what happens to the human body. Enough about cows, Damn it. Enough about cows. In the human body, corn-fed meat produces Omega-6. Grass-fed meat produces Omega-3. Our arteries clog with Omega-6, and clear up and they, just like plumbing works beautifully with the right oils, Omega-3, which is found in grass-fed meats, in wild salmon, certain fish. Wild not farmed. Do not touch farmed fish. It's the most toxic shit on the planet. It's like literally sticking your mouth on a tailpipe of cars that's running and taking a breath. That's literally the equivalent of having farm-raised... it's just evil, farming fish is evil. What's in them is, oh, my lord, anyway. So, back to Omega-3s... lost my train of thought. So. Omega-3s, olive oil. Why is olive oil so good for you? Why is it so good for you? It's abundant in Omega-3. So, you want to focus on Omega-3s. So, that's the meat world. We do a lot of eggs. I'm an egg person automatically. So, when I heard that I need to eat more eggs. I'm like, party! Right? And I, literally, I'll have eggs maybe twice... once for sure. Like breakfast is a no brainer. I don't skip it. I do it every morning. I'll do five, six eggs, maybe four, doesn't matter, four, or five, six eggs, and bacon or... and let's go to the bacon for a minute. There are bacons and there are bacons. There are pigs, different farms like Farmer John, there are some big big brands out there that completely fuck up the pigs. And when I say fuck them up, they feed them the wrong stuff and whatever they eat goes into my body. And now, guess what, I am what that pig was. So, if they're fed corn and shit that should not be in my body and they're injected with growth hormones and antibiotics, and God knows what, then that goes into my body. So, you want to eat as clean as possible, as organic. And even with the concept of organic in all animals out there, whether it's chicken, goat, sheep, lamb, beef, bison, now, all of our chickens, turkey, there's a big difference between organic. Because, obviously, the the concept of organic became really huge quite a few years back. It's like, oh, it's organic. Well, the reason they fucking invented organic is because they fucked up what was organic before, dammit. If they would have left the shit alone, it would have always been organic, and you don't have to fucking invent organic to sell us more expensive organic shit. That's my rant about organic propaganda. So, the idea of something being organic, and this is something that through the years we had to learn because just because something's organic, it doesn't mean all that much. Like you take chickens, oh, organic chicken. Lovely. Well, could it be organic and still raised inside of a cage? Yes. Could it still be organic and still receive some hormones? Yes. Could it be organic and still receive antibiotic? Yes. Could it be organic and still raised in a coop, whatever they're called, chicken coops or little warehouses? Yes. So, just because a chicken is organic doesn't fucking mean shit anymore. So, when you're getting eggs that are organic, are they from pasture-raised chickens, which produce automatically Omega-3s. What?t This is the shit they didn't tell us because they told us that first, "Eggs were good, eggs are bad, eggs are good, eggs are bad..." like butter. "Oh, you can't do better, cholesterol is high." So, they invented what? That Miracle Whip shit, and I can't believe It's not butter." That guy came out and made gazillions of dollars on feeding us bullshit chemicals because butter now is fattening and it's bad for the cholesterol but it's literally one of the most amazing things on the planet. Butter, butter, butter. My coffee, right now, it has ghee. It's butter. It's unclarified butter. We put butter on fucking everything. We cook now with ghee. We stopped cooking with olive oil. We cook with ghee, it's got a ... it burns up to 480 degrees. And we cook with it. So, back to the idea of what's organic. So, you take now the cow, and the meat, the ribeye or are the fillet that you're about to purchase, is that organic? Is it grass-fed? Is it pasture-raised? This is the shit that we had to learn over the years. We've been at this eating healthy game, obviously, because we don't trust the government. We've been at this a long, long time. So, we had to do all this research. So, we learned all these things along the way. Because we realize that this package said organic, and this one said organic grass-fed, and it was $10 more so we're like, what do you mean organic and pasture? And this other one said... or grass-fed... and this one said grass, organic, and pasture, $10 more. Like what th... what? They're like three packages right here. This one's 10, 20, and 30. What's the difference? So, reading labels is so fucking important. Understanding what you're putting into your body is just like, when you're around certain people, you feel like shit, you want to get away from them. That's the first rule. But it's doing that inventory. It's like, can you imagine if people came with labels and like they had labels like, "I'm an asshole if I don't eat. If I don't sleep enough, I get grumpy. I react to certain situations, I get bitchy here." Can you imagine if people had a fucking ingredient list like you know exactly what's up? And it's like, yeah, you're not for me, I cannot have you in my environment, just like nutrition labels on foods. So, get good at reading labels, understanding what sugars are going into your body and what sugar does to the body. Sugar, sunny enough, just like you got to ask yourself why sugar is legal. It's literally one of the most addictive substances on the planet. And what it does to the human body, oh, my god, the inflammation that it causes inside the body is ridiculous. Anyway. So, organic, organic, organic, read the labels, really understand how these animals are raised, how they're treated, and how they are milked, how they are... what happens with the milk from there, how do they produce the cheese. Like get involved with your food, right? It's funny because we're so, we're so frickin brainwashed today to go through McDonald's and you get your food in 30 seconds or less or it's free. And that's the mindset that we've been fed, not take your fucking time, and enjoy your meal with your family, and eat organic, and make sure that the cows and the animals are taking care of properly, and make sure they have a great environment, and let's take care of us because that food is me. And that shift right there, man, when I understood that I am my food and my food is me and we are one, poof, mind fucking blown. All right, so, let's go back to our journey on the carnivore diet. So, day... I'm not going to go through days, but I'll tell you sort of like how it began. So, we went for eggs, we went for heavy bacon, we started cooking with ghee, and instead of oil just because you need fat. So, if you want to look at intake, you want to do 70% protein, 30% fat. And when I say 30% fat, it could be animal fat, meaning bacon fat, it could be tallow, that's also very powerful. It could be butter, it could be obviously from the milks, the fats, etc. Could be any form of fat you want to take in. If you, on top of that want to do fruit, like for example, avocado is a fruit, right? So, for those of you that don't know the difference between a fruit and a vegetable, fruits have seeds, damnit. Even though we're think we're having a vegetable salad with tomatoes and cucumber. It's a fucking fruit salad. They lie to us, dammit. All right, this is my organic coconut lip balm. All right, so lots of fat. So, 30% fat, 70% protein. And I can't say that we ever measured, like we never went down to the metrics of it and got into the crazy macros, never did that but we just ate whatever felt good. Did I start this to lose... oh, sorry... there's the word lose. Oh, man, I just had to cut myself. I got to coach myself here, dammit. So, did I start this in order to release weight? Partially. Was I curious just to see like, because I love meat. I love fats. I love bacon like that's like, whoo, manly shit. I love butter. I love all of that stuff. So, I thought, I want to see what happens, was my thing. Like, could it be? So, is it... because all these guys out there, guys, gals, because there are a lot of women, funny enough, on the carnivore diet that have lost 100, 150 pounds, 50 pounds, 30 pounds but they've cured all these things and I'm like, holy shit, amazing, right? There's like the stories, the results. I keep focusing on results that I see out there are amazing. So, I thought let me see it because it can't hurt. Because I know fat is good for me because if the government tells me fat is bad, I know it's good. Right? So, opposite. If they tell me eat veggies, and they push veganism. Fuck you. I know it's bad. So, I thought, what's the worst that can happen? We'll figure it out. We'll go day by day. First 30 days, we literally went for the rib eyes, we went for the filet mignon, we went for the ground beef, meaning burgers, and various scrambled eggs, and ground beef, and ground turkey, and fat, and cheese on top. I mean just... you can make whatever you want. There is something else that got us by surprise, and this was a funky one because we love flavor, we love garlic, we love all these, the turmeric, and the great... the spices, right? I'm a spicy eater, like as in heat, so for me, habanero, and the serrano peppers, and all the jalapenos, like I'm a huge fan, and even though they are fruit because they have seeds, because you learned here today, right? You know now what a fruit is. Even though their fruit, and we did some fruit, we still do it. I do bananas and Tami does organic like cherries and papaya and different things. So, there are some things that you can do. And again, do what you want. I'm telling you what we did and what we're loving. We'll put it that way. So, the rib eyes, the ground beef, the filet mignon, the lamb. I love lamb, myself and Ariana, we love lamb. Bella, Tami not so much. She'll taste it but it's like, "It's a little gamey for me." I'm like, all right, good more for me. So, meat meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, and then it's like what do we ever dinner? Meat. I love liver, chicken liver, for example. Not so much on the beef liver side but chicken liver, love it. So, I will throw chicken liver and I'll even throw onions in there. Again, it's a vegetable so there are some that will say, "Don't touch onion." So, The Carnivore MD, you'll see him on Instagram, he says no vegetables whatsoever at all. Never, not good for you, huge inflammation in the body. They actually, the all these vegetables have these toxins, and again, he breaks it down really, really well but they have these toxins and poisons inside of them. So, if somebody consumes them, they release these toxins, these poisons to of course kill their predator. So, I'm like, holy shit, no, no, don't do that to me. So, anyway, we're really limited, like I did onions a couple of times and fruit pretty much here in there. It's not a daily thing. But in that, so, I started intermittent fasting about a year plus ago. So, basically, I will eat between 11am and 7pm. And then I don't need between 7pm and 11am. Just don't eat. I'll have coffee in the morning. So, I'll break the fast with the fat in the ghee or the cream that I use. And that'll break my fast not all the way but whatever, to whatever extent and then I work out in the morning fasted. And I'm going to talk about the workout because I fucking despise exercise. And I know there are a few of you out there that literally despise to work out. I hate it. I would rather do pretty much anything than exercise. But when I started to exercise because I knew that I had to create some kind of resistance in my body to kick up the muscle mass, just a little bit for the muscle mass now to consume calories throughout the day as I'm sitting at a computer, talking on a video, being interviewed interviewing, right, while I'm sitting on the body is not moving. And that's why I move my arms. I'm getting a workout right now, guys. I'm burning calories. This is calories out. So, I started working out, but I did it in a way to where I tricked myself into working out and then funny enough, I pitched it to Tami as well. And it worked for her as well. So, here's what happened. So, we got a whole gym set up in our garage. My studio here is in my garage, and we have pretty much everything we need for working out. But here's the other thing because a lot of people say, "Well, I don't have money to buy dumbbells. I don't have money to buy a treadmill. I don't have money for the gym. You don't need any of that shit. You have a body and there's always a floor somewhere, there always, always, I promise you, there's always a floor. You can do push ups, you can do sit ups, you can do squats, you can do leg raises, you can do buttock exercises, you can do so much fucking shit. You don't need... you have a tree outside, there's got to be a branch, you can do pull ups. You follow me? Not working out and not taking action is nothing but an excuse. And I've done it for years. Now, I do something almost every day. Do I skip Sunday? Maybe Saturday? Absolutely. Or if I go to a phenomenally hard CrossFit with Garrick Allen this last Saturday where they kicked my ass. Rude, rude people. Yeah, I took all the way off until today. So, I took what, Sunday, Monday, today's Tuesday. So, I took two days off. Today I went to kickboxing with Bella and and she kicked my ass. What's with these people? I just don't want to get a thing go. Anyway, but the way I started to work out and the way brain fuck myself is that I said, okay, I'm going to do bite size. In my coaching world, funny enough, it's what I use with clients, I love to have bite size deliverables, meaning that when you look at a problem, it could be extremely overwhelming. Like, "My god, I have to do all of that? Fuck." So, the brain gets overwhelmed, and you never start. You never go anywhere. But if you can say, "Hey, fuck all that. That's noise. We don't need that. We just need this little tiny little thing here." Whatever it may be, right? So for me it was working out. So, I thought, you know what sounds like nothing is 12 minutes. 12 minutes is nothing. Anybody can do. 12 minutes, I can do 12 minutes. 12 minutes is for bitches, right? I'm telling myself, it's like, fuck, yeah. So, if I can just crank 12 minutes and then be done, holy shit, that would be amazing. So, I literally, I started doing that 12 minutes every morning, 12 minutes, 12 minutes, 12 minutes. And guess what? Then, now, throughout the day, I would start feeling this muscle, this little thing here going on, this definition. Then you get a compliment. "Hey, have you lost some weight? Hey, were you working out?" It's like, oh, what? Stop it... No. And all of that shit works, is my point to you doing something. And then as I, now, start feeling better, my pants are looser, my shirts are looser. And I feel, definition, if you will. Now, I start thinking, well, because I want to keep this definition. I like how there's now this thing. So, I start thinking for tomorrow, hey, I like this so I'm going to get more, meaning I'm going to get back on that thing. I'm going to do that machine. I'm going to do that exercise. So, it creates a want now. But go with the 12 minutes a day, bite size, chunk, small. Do the tiniest thing possible and build upon it but taking action is the mofo. Then, I want to talk about discipline and focus. But we'll do that in a minute. I want to finish up our six weeks of being on this carnivore diet. So, as far as what to eat, go you to it. There are a lot of doctors that tell you what basically not to touch and then just eat a bunch of meat and animal products. That's it, very very simple. Yeah, watch calorie. So, what happened was... and water, water, water water. I was going to tell you, guys, about condiments. You can't touch anything but salt. And because you're cutting out so much now, the body requires these electrolytes and so you want to supplement with some electrolytes. And of course, salt intake is extremely important. So, we salt the shit out of our food. I love salt anyway, so now, it's like salt, Salt city. So, we go for rib eyes, we go for fillets, we go for lamb, we go for pot roast, we go for like literally anything that's cookable, we'll do it from livers, etc. So, you get the point, right? Animals and animal byproducts, stop there. If you want to throw some fruit in, go for it. Depending on what you have going on and what you're looking to achieve, my biggest thing that I can recommend for you, guys, from this video, if that does anything for you is go to YouTube and just "carnivore diet" and you're going to get Dr. Berry and you got some people that have been doing this for years with some crazy results. So, we start, let me tell you about some of the negatives because there are negatives with anything in life. Right? So, one of the first negatives was I, typically, I'll tell you, guys, my journey. And this may be a little bit too much. But I'll just tell you exactly my story in this. So, basically, before the carnivore diet, I had a very normal, I think it was normal. I've been told it was normal, movement, meaning I would eat and about an hour or two later, I'm in the restroom and I do my thing and then I eat later. So, I would go about twice a day, on average. That was just normal for me. It's just what I did. And I felt great. The sorry to talk about shit, but it is what it is. We got to, we got to just go for it, right? In the process of the first, I believe somewhere in between the first week and the second week, that wasn't happening anymore. So, I'm like, oh, this is not fun. So, there are stories out there people say that you should bricks and it's difficult, etcetera. I just got I think constipated. Or I feel that I just didn't have the flow somehow. So, then I'm like, allright, so what do we do? What do we do? Because what do they sell? They sell us, "Well, you need fiber." Well, fiber, according to all these doctors, and the research, fiber does what to the body? Inflammation, and disease is what? Inflammation. There are heart surgeons out there today that will tell you that the problem with heart disease out in the world today. It's not cholesterol, and it's not meat. It's fucking grains. Do the research. It's out there. I found it. So, what I decided to do because I'm thinking, well, because I'm a contractor, I build things, and so when the pipe doesn't flow, what do you do? You put some stuff in there to make it flow, right? Some Draino, some whatever. So, I'm like, I'm going to eat more fat. So, I increased my fat intake, and guess what? Pipes were moving. It was a good day. It was a great day. So, that was one of the situations in the journey where I thought, hey, that's weird. So, then we fix that. And then, about two to three weeks in, and I'm just sort of guessing here. We didn't journal like, oh, day 42... No, we didn't do that. The Russians are coming. I'm just kidding. Stop, stop. See, I make a little joke. And you, guys, get all cray cray. The Russians are not coming, relax. But the McDonald's thing today is funny. I can't get into politics. Dammit. I promised myself I wouldn't do it. But anyway, McDonald's serves human meat in their burgers so ask yourself why they're getting out of Russia. Anyway, it's not grass-fed. Headaches became a thing about two to three weeks, and there were headaches that were like this pressure that was from the shoulders up. Like this dull sense of fucking pain. So, if there was one heavy negative in this thing, it was these headaches. But today, I understand that it was detox. We had to get through the body was releasing stuff. So, today, I'm sleeping, I used to wake, yeah, I don't know, two three times a night for whatever, use the restroom, just up, check my phone because I have a lot of VAs and a few parts of the world and when we sleep they're out there working for us. And so, for whatever reasons, I would just be up a few times a night, so that unsteady sleep pattern, not good. So, today, I'm happy to report that I sleep a minimum of six hours straight. So, I'm giving you, guys, I gave you the negatives, poop and headaches, gone, right? Fixed that, got right through it. But today, the positives are I sleep like a baby for the most part. I'm going to say for the most part. Do I still get up to use the bathroom? Absolutely. Do I still check my phone because somebody's waiting for something, and this thing has to launch on that website, and this person is waiting for a bio, and this person needs a headshot. Yeah. But in general, 80, 90% of the time, I sleep like a baby. My energy throughout the day, where I used to slump, 1, 2, 3 PM, you hit that wall and you crash and, oh, my God, I need a nap. And being an entrepreneur, and working from home, how easy it is to take a nap? It's easy. Well, that's gone. Now, I will take a nap. For example, I took a nap right before the show because today, I was up at four because I had a bunch of stuff to get done with India and Philippines. So, I'm up at four and I'm cranking and I'm up here on my studio. I'm like, it's 4 AM. But that's... you can either do this or get a fucking job and do this for somebody else. You follow me? So, we choose entrepreneurship. So, sleep is amazing energy level throughout the day. It's so consistent. And the ability at my age, at 52, and I'm sure, to some of you that are maybe 52 or 60 that can walk me in a kickboxing class, like today, I did kickboxing for the second time, Bella kicked my ass, it was fucking hard. I mean, it was horrendously hard. But you know what, I did it. So, I'm like, shit, two months ago, I would have never done 20% of it. I would have walked out, fuck you all. But I did it. So, energy, power, there's a strength that comes whether it's from the meat, from the fat, life is good, baby. Focus. Focus up here. For those of you that know me, Tami, she'll vouch that I'm a very, very right-brained person, which means I'm creative. I'm a go getter. I'm fast. I got to make shit happen. Like, right? I'm doing stuff. I got to go. Which means, I'm not necessarily the left-brained person. And the left brain person is the detail-oriented, the analytical, the organizer. But what's interesting is I think I'm becoming a bitch. Not that left-brained people are bitches. That's just a joke about myself. Stop it. What's happening is I'm able to do things that I wasn't able to before. And whether that's me not allowing myself in the past to do so or stories... for example, like we're launching our website, new website, new and improved, etc., I'm gonna say in a few days. In the amount of work that had to go into this website, that had to get created, and we're still not done, funny enough, but the amount of left brain shit that I had to force myself, well, yeah, I had to do... the word force. I think, few months ago, I would have had to force myself but here, I'm like, shit, I got to do it? And I would do it. And I would literally come out of the think tank an hour later. I'm like, holy shit. I mean, I got whiteboards going. I have Mind Maps going. I have, I'm writing bios, I'm writing copy. I'm like, I never used to... I would pay people or beg, Tami, help me. I would never do that before. And now, all of a sudden, it's like, holy schnikeys, I'm able to do these things. And then again, the only thing that's changed is my food intake and exercise. That's all I know. I'm not taking any vitamins. I'm not taking any supplements. I'm not taking, I'm not drinking any special water outside of alkaline water and Pellegrino because I love it. And I drink organic coffee, Fairtrade, with ghee. And that's sort of my world. And I've done that now. I believe we're six weeks. I think we start week seven, I think, maybe... babe, babe, when did we come back from Santa Barbara? That's Sunday, what day was... like when did we launch this carnivorous journey? So, energy, energy, I can't talk about sex because Tami's here, but it's great. There you go, I just talked about it. And there's just, there's a confidence that kicks in, and for those of you that have struggled with weight, up and down, etc, when clothes are tight, that is the worst thing in the world. When a shirt now becomes loose, or when the pants, you're walking, the pants are doing this and touching your legs as you're walking. It's like, holy shit, that's... it gives you that, umph, that extra thing. And on top of that, because you got to remember most of us have done these diets in the past where you starve yourself and you got to have a calorie deficit, and you got to take this pill, and you got to go see this doctor, and you got to do this coach, and that class, and you got to... fuck you is what I have to say to the whole diet industry because I've done them all. And that's what I want to say is fuck you because it's all based on bullshit. And I mean this from the bottom of my heart. And if you're a coach, God bless you, take it as you will, but consistency, teaching somebody a way of life of respect for the body, and that's something that had to happen in me. I had to Get up, get to a place where I'm saying I now have to take care of me because not only am I a father and a husband to some amazing women, but I'm a leader in my community. I'm a coach to so many people out there, I show up on stages. So, therefore, there's the authority figure. I talk online so I had to get to a place like, hey, I have to be an example to everyone. What do I stand for? Who am I really? And that turned into something called discipline for me. And it's something where I've been disciplined in parts of my life, but not in other. So, making money, business, creating, scaling, sort of came natural for me. Health, working out, eating the right stuff, didn't necessarily come naturally until I learned, and this is now the learning curve of learning exactly what works for me and releasing the weight today. I'm 217 pounds and I have what... Holy shit. This is exciting. I haven't done the fucking math yet. I'm excited. Dammit. Here's what's exciting. See, I told you, guys, my goal is what? 208, and now, I'm just realizing from 217 to 208, it's only nine fucking pounds. That is fucking exciting. I didn't do the math. Dammit. Ha. Have a cup of coffee here because now that is lit. Because you got to remember what's nine pounds in this journey? Right? I'm going to put on some more muscle and by no means am I ripping, buffing, fuck all that. I don't like it. If we were cavemen and we had to go hunt bison, make sense. Otherwise, waste of fucking time. Again, just my opinion. If you're a bodybuilder, God bless you. For me. It's a matter of discipline of committing to the best you. I had to figure out what is the best me. Who am I? Who do I show up as to my self, to my health, to my happiness, to my wife, to my daughters, to my community, to my clients, to my friends, to my family, in general? Who am I? And as all these things broke down, I have this new system that we're launching in Badassery Factory called 5xW, which is the five W's. Some of you know about it already. So, who, what, when, where, why. So, understanding that who am I? What do I really want? When do I want it? Where am I in that journey? And the big fucking why? Because if the why doesn't make you cry, you're wasting time. So, discipline was the motherfucker. Waking up at a certain time, I can wake up early. But I cannot wake up past this time. So, I chose 6am. So, there's a clock happening at 6am. And alarm, and I hate the word alarm as well because alarms go off when there's a problem, right? Fire alarm, blah, blah, blah. So, when we set our clock to wake us up, it's called an alarm, an alarm clock. Again, I'm getting into totally other stuff. But you get my point, right? It's my wakey-wakey clock, my beautiful iPhone. So, discipline has to do with committing to your best self, and then creating a goal like to a weight, and then creating a plan to get to that to a weight. If without a plan. You don't get to the goal. And that same thing happens in relationships. Same thing happens in business. Same thing happens with money, I want to make more money, and that's it. Well, people say, "That's it, I'm gonna make more money and I get excited. I get tingly, I'm going to make more money." But they don't realize that they have to get fucking specific. How much money do you want to make? And when do you want to make that money? So, you want to make what, $100,000 or $10,000? Great. By when? What's the date? Be so fucking specific that it rocks your world. So, by this date, I will have in my bank account or my pocket or my mattress, $10,000 cash of US currency, whatever. And then, that's the goal. How are you going to do it? Oh, there's... you're going to have a plan? Holy shit, you got to have a plan. And this is where people, a lot of, most people that don't get to their goals because they don't have a plan. And then without the plan, obviously, you're not going to get to the fucking goal, guaranteed. And the people that have a weak plan will get there maybe and the people that don't make a plan are fucked. And the people that do make a plan, the odds of getting to the success, to the goal, are very, very high. So, when you say I want to make this money. I want to be at this weight, 208 pounds. Okay, got it. Why do I want that? Why do I want that 208? So, now, you start breaking all the shut down. And the more you niche down and you really subcategorize the why. Why do I want 208? Well, fuck, I can give you 100 reasons, right? My clothes are going to fit amazing. I can finally fit into my Armani, and my Hugo Boss suits, and my Valentino's, and my... I have so many reasons of what clothes I want to wear. I will tell you, guys, the funniest fucking thing, sorry, I'm all over the place. But here's, in regards to clothes. I never knew that you could lose weight on your feet. And that's all I can say. We had lunch with some friends, not this last Sunday but the Sunday before, and I put on, I had shorts on, we went down by the water, Huntington Beach. And I put on some shorts and a whatever shirt but I put on these shoes, slip ons, and I'm like, what the fuck, these are loose. And I say, babe, my shoes are loose. And she puts on her shoes and she's like, "Fuck, mine too, my shoes are loose." I'm just telling you right now, be careful. You're going to lose weight in your feet. Discipline. Discipline is... the biggest thing out of all of this that I've learned, and I'm coming out with a better badass, a bigger badass, is I'm more disciplined than I was six weeks ago. And this discipline has to do with everything in my life, not just my consumption of the carnivore concept. I'm talking, everything in my life has shifted. The way I treat myself, in general, the way I treat Tami, my ability to have conversations with Tami, where before I wouldn't want to deal with certain things or I would react to certain things, I'm able to not react to these things today. So, discipline commitment to me to the better badass me. And same idea with business and what we're creating. And it's just exciting. So, I'm going to, now, pull back from my conversation, and I'm going to see if anybody has questions. I know Tami has been kicking ass. Okay, so most of us think we're like, when are we supposed to eat heavy? And this is something I learned before the carnivore diet, and it's still worked here as well. We all think that you got to have a big meal in the morning. Bullshit. You do not want to have a big meal in the fucking morning because how long does it take for the body to digest that shit, and turn it into energy, and the body's ready to use it. 12 hours. So, if I'm eating breakfast at 7, 8, 9, 10am, and 12 hours later, it's 7, 8, 9, 10pm but I'm winding down, the day's chillin. I'm putting in some alcohol, going to bed. And I have 1000 calories to consume from this morning but I'm chilling. What's going to happen with that energy? See my point? You want to eat big at night. My biggest meal is dinner. And this is something I had to learn from different coaches out there in the world. The biggest meal has to be at night because if I eat... so, my last wheat at six to 6:30 every single night. It's like clockwork. Guess what? discipline discipline. And so, by six, 6:30 in the next morning, what do I have energy for? Whatever the fuck I want. So, I have my first cup of coffee, gives me... satisfy some hunger if I'm hungry, the fat in ghee or the raw cream, boom. I'm back, water. I'm hitting the gym. 12 minutes. The 12 minute thing is the way it started. Today, obviously, I'm doing one hour kickbox. One hour, I did CrossFit on Saturday, I can't say... I liked CrossFit. It was just a different setup. So, I'll try it again, anyway. But I'm doing a lot more today than 12 minutes because I'm loving it and I'm enjoying the breaking up because for me I have to... my brain has to be stimulated, I have to be excited. I can't do the same shit every day in my garage. So, I going to kickboxing, going to CrossFit. I'll try, maybe, rollerblading at the beach. I'll get rollerblades. I just need to stay active, find different things to do with my body. And the other cool thing is to figure out how to stimulate different muscles because if you're doing bicep curls in the same movements every day, you're not tricking the body into, "Oh, shit, I got to burn. We're burning calories over here. This muscle." But if you're doing the same thing every day, it gets used to it. It's like, "Oh, cool, it's nothing, nothing's new. It's going to be the same thing tomorrow, same egg, same ribeye, same weights, same muscle group, etc. Anyway, sounds like I'm becoming a fucking health coach. And I'm not. So, discipline, discipline, discipline. That's my biggest takeaway from this thing. I got to tell you, guys. I feel amazing. I have energy. I have power like never before. We're somewhere... I didn't see Tami's comment if she figured out the date. But whatever. It's somewhere there. It's about six weeks that we're into this thing. I love it. And obviously, we're going to continue it till the end of having a full eight weeks or two months, if you will. And it wasn't a thing like, oh, we're gonna do this thing forever. We never signed up for that. We just thought, hey, let's try it out. See what happens. And at the 30 day mark, literally the night before we looked at each other. It's like, do we go get pizza? So, I'm like, we can. I mean, that's if like, for me, if one thing I'm craving, it's pizza. I love pizza, not just pizza pizza, but like it's got to be Italian Napoleon style pizza from Napoli. So, it's got to be specific pizza. But so, we thought, I said, hey, I really feel amazing. Like bloating, like I used to eat and be bloated for hours with certain foods, but I never paid attention to what foods, and I'm like, oh, it's got to be this, or it's got to be that, it's got to be... it could have been the alcohol but it would also happen during the day. So, there was like never a rule. So, all of a sudden, bloating is gone. My belly is flat. It's like why would I I want to change that. So I thought, hey, I'm going to keep going. She's like, "All right, I'll keep going with you." So, we, now, all of a sudden, it's like, we're going into month two. So, we just said, we'ill just take it one day at a time. And here we are, six weeks in. I think, we'll have that conversation again in a couple of weeks, like, hey, what do we do? Do we keep going? Again, my goal is 208 as far as weight and we'll see. We'll see what happens. Thank you for all the compliments that I look this, I look slim, I look great. Thank you, guys. Sunshine is crucial. And I smoke two to three cigars a day, and fucking love it. I don't inhale so... and I don't need anybody's comments to not smoke because smoking is not good for me. Smoking is so good for me. You have no idea. Things are what you believe they are. So, that's my life. I enjoy it. I love it. I'm happy. And what we're creating in 2022, oh, my lord, you guys. Be ready. All right. Love you guys. You know what to do. Please share this with anybody that you feel could use the information, get it out there. This will be chopped up into for YouTube, and then of course, snippets, and reels, and shorts. And then, of course, it'll be on the Who's A Badass Podcast on iTunes and everywhere else in the world. I love you, guys. Thanks for tuning in. And I'll see you next week on the Who's A Badass Show. Peace out. Thank you all for tuning in. Thank you for listening. And remember, the goal here is for you to gain information that can change your life that can set you up for a better tomorrow on your way to becoming a badass. And remember, a badass is simply somebody that is free and happy. If you're not happy and free, on the inside, we're empty. You know what to do. Click all the love buttons, subscribe button, leave a comment, leave a beautiful review because, of course, you're in love with this information. And of course, it is changing your life. Share this with someone, please, get this information out there. Love you, guys, and I'll see you on the next episode.