Podcast Andre Popa

Staying On The Side Of Love And Respect Despite Our Differences

Intro 0:00 Who's a badass? That's right. You're a badass. Welcome, everyone, to the weekly show where we will go deep into the human dynamic and what makes us all extremely special. We're breaking the stereotypical mold of the badass on a Harley with tattoos, and we're rebranding the badass with any human being that's happy and free. One can have all the money, houses, the Harleys and tattoos, Lamborghinis yet if they're not happy and free, what's the point? Let's push some buttons and start some shit. Welcome to the weekly show, Who's A Badass. Andre 0:43 Welcome, welcome, everybody. We're going to have a great show today. We're going to talk about some stuff that's happening in the world in a funky, funky way. Yes, Seri, Bobby. So, it's a long story. I'm going to tell you, guys, as we get... we'll wait for a couple more people to jump on here. But the guest that was going to be on here today is not on here today for a reason. I will tell that story one day but I will talk about why integrity to me is everything. Which means, when you commit to doing something, you fucking do that thing. And if you need to change that thing that you committed to doing, then that must be communicated and agreed upon by both fucking parties. Anyway, that's me venting. So, here's what we're going to do today. Because it's going to be me. It's going to be solo. Last week, I talked about my carnivore journey of all this, I guess, I want to say getting healthy-er, weight loss happened. Was the carnivore diet specific to, hey, I'm going to lose weight? It was definitely a part of it. Like, yeah, I hope that works. But I didn't do... let me see here. Yep, that'll work. There we go. That's better. So, anyway. So, that was the carnivore diet. It's amazing. I'm still on it. I love it feel great. And today, I want to talk about what's happening in the world of people, in this beautiful land of the human dynamic. There's a lot of shit today, like more than ever, and I don't like it. So, we're going to talk about. It's not going to be like a scolding. If you're guilty, then take this as a... like a beat a baby on the bottom, then this could be a spanking. If you feel like, hey, there are people in my life that do talk shit, maybe share this with them. And that's something as can do now is share this, click the share button below, and get it out to the world. Because everybody today is in a place of some kind of fear, and concern, and worry about what's happening, and what's going to happen. So, I'm going to, I'm going to tread lightly on politics, and I've done, I'm doing that for a reason because I want to keep my account open. If you, guys, have noticed my account have stayed open. Whoop-whoop. And that's sort of been by design because I've learned what to say, what not to say, what to post, what not to post. So, you learn, you make it better. And you here we are because otherwise, I wouldn't be here. But here's the thing. And I see it a lot, and you, guys, see it too, and I don't care what space you're in, I don't care if you're in a medicinal space, in the crypto space, in the gold space, commodity space, business space, making money space, if you're in the Patriot space, if you're a democrat, or republican, or conservative, or liberal, or... I can go on and on and on. Here's what I'm finding that is literally disgusting. If you're Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, this religion, my religion, Orthodox, Jewish, oh, my god, I mean, it's fuck, I'm dizzy. And here's why I'm dizzy. Not because people believe in what they believe. Everybody has the right to do whatever the fuck they want. There's a saying in Romanian or I don't know if it's Romanian. But there's a saying that says this, "What mommy and daddy do in the bedroom is their problem." Nobody should give a shit about that. Number one, Mommy and Daddy should not talk about it, keep that private. And number two, nobody should ask. It's their private little thing. It's what they do. In that same energy. There's a human dynamic inside of all of us that needs to hang on to some kind of a belief. I believe in this type of God. I believe in this type of investment. I believe in owning a house. I believe in renting a house, like Cardone, right? Cardone doesn't own what he lives in. He only owns what he can make money off of. Whatever. But you see my point? There are different camps in every single possible industry or facet of life, right? Today, you have heterosexual, and it wasn't enough that we had homosexual. Then, we had to have non-binary, triple binary, sideways binary, transgender, non-gender, bathrooms for all genders. And I can go on, right? You, guys, know I can go on, and on, and on as to how many different boxes they put us in to do what? To create separation. When we're separated, we're weak. And if you look at what's happening in the world, and I'm talking about every part of life, look what's happening out there, look how much shit there's being talked in this world. And I'm, listen, I'm a part of all kinds of different groups. I'm a part of patriot groups. I'm a part of money groups. I'm a part of investing groups. I'm a part of car groups. I'm a part of crypto groups. I'm just I'm a part, and I watch. And I watch people post and I watch videos. And look, what you believe in, fucking believing it. Like be hardcore, man. Like, this is you. You got you. Be strong. Like don't let anybody waver you, unless you're full of shit, then please be guided into something else. But if you believe in this religion, or this god, or this crypto, or this car, because there are Lambos against Ferraris, whoa, Ford versus Chevy. And people literally have the time, and the the egotistical pain, and the need to say, "Well, I'm Ford and Chevy sucks. And here's why, only idiots drive Chevy's." Or, "I'm a Lakers fan and the clippers are a bunch of whatever because I'm a Lakers fan." Where did we become this human species of so much judgment. And here's where the problem really lies. All of us, to whatever extent and whatever level, we were brought up with some kind of God, with some kind of religion, with some kind of understanding that we're supposed to be good people and not judge. Look around. Look how much judgment there is. People today are complaining about gas prices, then you have people talking shit about the people complaining about gas prices because, "Well, you're broke and you don't own a business, and you're a fucking idiot because you shouldn't be worried about 6, 7, 8, $9 tank of gas or gallon of gas because you didn't do your homework, and you didn't build a business, and you gave up." Who the fuck asked you? You see my point? Like, if... there's another saying. I'm going to give you, guys, I'm gonna drop a bunch of sayings today. "An unsolicited piece of advice is an attack on the spirit." Unsolicited piece of advice is an attack on the spirit. So, if you come to me and you say, "Hey, Andre, oh, man, the carnivore diet. Wow, whatever. But here's what you should be doing because this is what all the cool people, or this is what worked for me, or here's what Aunt Mary did. And you're doing it wrong. So, you got to do it this way." Did I ask you? I didn't ask you. Or you got people Bible thumping at you because they think that sticking the Bible and religion down your fucking throat, you're going to say yes. Oh, my god. Whoa, I missed the other 40 years of getting religion and shit and whatever your doctrine is shoveled down my throat. And because of that, today, I'm going to open up to yours because yours makes sense. All of a sudden. Fuck. You follow me? So, why not just be you? And there's a psychological problem here because you don't hear people that are better off than you ever talk shit about you. Do you? I never have. But people that are somewhat at my same level or lower, what do they do? They talk shit. Why? Why does that happen? So, looking around today, in the patriot movement, there are a lot of patriots that love freedom. And when I say patriot, this is globally, you guys. It doesn't have to do with American patriots, Russian patriots, Ukrainian, Polish, Ugandan. A patriot is somebody that loves their country. And that's it. Very, very simple. But look at the division. Look at this shit talking. And most people here are Christian. Most people here believe in a God but they have the balls, and yeah, I'm calling everybody out. Not specifically like your bad. I'm calling the concept of shit talking and putting other people down and judging, I'm calling everybody out from that perspective. Like, fucking stop. I mean, we're making ourselves look really, really stupid. Listen to me, when you talk shit about someone else or put somebody else down, do you understand what's happening inside of you? Do you understand that that misery is inside of you, not them? Do you understand that that poison is inside of you, and all you're doing is reinforcing it and making it grow, and grow, and grow, and grow? It's choice. What I'm suggesting is let's get back to love. Doesn't the Bible say. "Love your neighbor as..." what the fuck? Did we forget that? It's the core, that it's right there. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." What the fuck happened to us? Oh, he's a piece of shit because he believes in that camp. Oh, what an idiot. He's a crook because he believes in that camp. Oh, look at her over there. She's got red hair, pop, she's got to be a communist. Tat's it. It's over. People, come on. What can we do together to be in love and happy together? How do we stop this madness? How do we focus on the things that we want? How do we do things so we get the result that we want? Because today, the result that we're getting is not what we want. I guarantee it. Nobody wants what's happening in the world today. But you say, "Well, what's happening in the world today? "Well, there's a lot happening in the world today. People, to this day, don't understand what's happening. There's a Biden camp, and there's a Trump camp just because there is. It's another form of separation. It's called the Republican and the Democrat, there are two parties, and you have to make a decision as to which one is going to be better that's going to change your life, and your kid's life, and for generations to come. And you have to go cast the fucking vote, all created by fucking design. Is there really a difference? Because at the end of the day, aren't they still controlling the government, and the House, and the Senate and, blah, blah, blah, and then they control us, and how much taxes we pay, and we got to fit in a little box, and we got to do our stuff as good Americans, good soldiers of this universe. And it's the same in every fucking country, there's going to be some kind of tax, there's going to be some kind of rule, there's some kind of law, and you got to abide, or else. So, today, there's a lot of confusion, right? What happened to the 2020 elections? Where are things at? Is Biden legit? Is Trump still president because he never conceded? And here's what I want to get at. And I'm doing this, Trump does this, "should calm down." But here's my point to everybody. The big, big idea behind all of this is Believe what you want to believe. Do not attempt to stick your shit down other people's throats. Do not inflict your opinion upon anybody else. They don't give a fuck to be inundated with your stuff. I'm not saying you're wrong. I know what I know. And I want to say I'm right. But what if I'm not? What if the other person over there that's completely opposite of me is so 100% on board with what he/she believes that they want to change my mind? Am I open? No. But that doesn't mean I'm going to call him a piece of shit, or an idiot, or a dumb ass. Maybe a dumbass. Is that judgment? You, guys, see my point? No politics, honey. Dammit. They pull me back in. So, there's a lot. There's a lot happening in the world. There's a lot of military activity all over the world. But we're not going to get into politics. There's a lot of evil on this planet. And planet, the first part of planet is plane. Only things that are flat are called planes like an airplane. You don't have an air sphere that lands on a sphere, you have an airplane that lands on planes. Lust like the plan-et, planet. Anyway, we're getting off topic. My point is, there's a lot of stuff happening and there's a lot of cleansing that needs to take place in this world. There's a lot of bad that needs to get cleaned up. There's a lot of trafficking, there's a lot of ugliness. There's a lot of, and I say evil because I don't know how else to call it. It's dark. It's ugly. It's evil. And how long does it take to clean that up? And a lot of people say well should have been done by now. Well, you should have gotten to fucking politics. You should have got your ass in there and you should have fought with the people that are doing the things that you're expecting of them to have done by now. So, again, judgment. "Should have been done by now. What the fuck is going on? What's happening? Nothing's happening. It's over, we're screwed. It's..." no, no, stay the course. What do you want? If you want freedom, don't you stay on the course of freedom or do you start talking shit about the people that are not doing enough or not providing for you enough comfort to give you satisfaction that things are okay or going to be okay? Get off your ass. Do something, take action. There are a lot of people out there doing that. Then we have the media. The media covers what up? What are they covering up all over the world? Who owns the media, you guys? And if you're new to me, and if you don't follow me yet, go at the top, click Follow, follow. I talk about what I talk about and the media is one of the biggest enemies on the planet. And if you backup the media to as to who owns the media and how this is connected to, gosh, I mean it goes on, and on, and on. I don't want to get into the funnel of where this comes from, Project Mockingbird, and the triple, the three letter agency that starts with a C and ends with an A and how this was created to brainfuck us and to get into our DNA so we can be good little "watch Netflix" and when they tell us on Netflix because they... listen, what they do, and most of you that watch TV, you know what I'm talking about. There's... TV as a light show, right? Television, tell-a-lie-via-vision. So, they penetrate different parts of the brain. They're really genius at this thing called manipulation and control over the the human dynamic, therefore, the masses. That's why, they said, "Oh, there's a problem, put on a mask." Everybody's like, "Oh, I'm a good little robot. I put on a mask. Look at me." And then what happened? What happens is xactly the conversation. What happened after people started getting indoctrinated with the mask? They're not wearing a mask, bad motherfucker. Oh shit, horrible evil communist, white supremacist. I mean, fuck, how deep did it go? It's still going on today. There's no mask mandate anywhere in California. Guess what? Half of California is still wearing a mask outside. Right now, you got people walking around on the fucking streets with their dog with a muzzle. So, then you say who's walking who? Follow me? So, this indoctrination that happens via the television, media, advertising, billboards, everything you see is by design, please understand me. So, they have us conditioned, for the ones that are conditioned, they have us conditioned to date so that when they show us something, immediate belief. See, typically it takes the human dynamic seven to 12 times to see something, like advertising, seven to 12 times before they take action, before they're like, "Oh, I never saw that before." So, maybe I'm eighth, ninth, 10th, 11th, 12th time they see the same picture, same picture, same picture, same picture. "Holy shit. How come I never saw that before? I would have bought it six months ago. I never saw it. Wow, weird." But, pop, pop, pop. So, through television, through billboards, through manipulation of this thing, now what happens is when they show you something on the news, on the news, bam, you are already conditioned to know that that's truth because they've already told you that what they're going to show you is truth. It's already told your body that it feels good. Your DNA already knows that that is reality out there. So, they show you something happening in Ukraine or Russia, guess what? Fucking shit, that shit's true, baby. Wow, how bad are the Russians, right? And I can go on, and on, and on, and all you got to do... oh, God... fuck. I can go into politics so deep. I can take... I can go down the rabbit hole of Zelinsky, and the Ukraine, and the biolabs, and what Ukraine really is and what that country there, that land, what that used to be and what it's still today, and why it's the core of fucking evil so then you say, "Well, why are Russians bad?" Are they really? Why are their videos... and listen to me, if you don't believe me right now, like if you're like, "Oh, this guy's fucking nuts. I've never heard him before. But holy shit. He's out there." No, CNN, NBC, those motherfuckers are out there because they're lying. But why are there videos of Ukrainians that cannot share on social media, but why are there videos of these Ukrainians filming their towns being demolished, and destroyed, and bombarded by Ukrainian troops? What? Oh, I'm sorry, CNN didn't show that? How dare they? Darn CNN, you didn't show the truth. So, you know my point. Stop watching the fucking news, get involved, look out there, and find reality. Anyway, I want to get back to topic because topic is division. We've been divided and through division, we've become weak. There used to be this phenomenal community of patriots and freedom loving Americans, for example, and Russians, or English, or Scots, or Australians, and divide, divide, divide. Well, now this one has the jab. This one doesn't have the jab. Whoa, division. And then, we should judge each other. What an idiot for getting a fucking jab. What an idiot for not getting the jab. They must be stupid. And then, you got people now with two jabs. Ha, the single jab says. "What an idiot. He got the second jab. Whoa stupidity at its finest." And then you got another camp. Oh, you got the booster? Fucking shit. You... did you really? You got the booster? Because I only got those two and I'm like, I would never get the booster. Only morons get the booster. You see how the division does not fucking stop? It doesn't stop until you stop. Stop playing along. Stop playing the fucking game. You are strong. God gave you power. God gave you a will. God gave you the strength to make choice, to know where truth is because only truth shall set you free. So, you have the power to make that choice for truth and for God. There's not one person that's taken the fucking jab that knows what's in the jab. I've asked so many, not one. I said, just give me one fucking ingredient. Give me one ingredient. And you know what they say? And I can't say the word here but they actually say, "Well, you know what's in there. It's the thing, that C O V I D and then the number one and then number nine, that's in there. And I'm like, "Oh, my God, show me, show me that it's in there. But they actually think that because that's what these jabs are supposed to do, like you get the flu. I can't use the word V A X. You, guys, get my point? But you get this, so many other diseases that have the thing, that jab... I got to talk in fucking code in America. I got to talk in code in America. What a joke. But that'll change soon. So. my point is this. People actually think that this thing is in the jab. The deeper part is that this thing has never been isolated. How can it be in the jab if it's never been a thing? And that right there? Boom, mind fucking blown. pisses people off. Like, what do you mean? What do you mean it's not... ? It's just not. So, anyway, my point to all of this is let people fucking be. You might think on the inside that they're stupid, they're dumb, they fucked up, they screwed up, they go down the wrong path, let them learn their lesson. If they come to you to say, "Hey, yo, Dre, how do you do it? Why do you do it? What happened here?" Whoa, that's a question. We only open a door via question. So, when people come to you for advice, like your kids, "Mom, what should I do?" "Yo, dad, are condoms important? That's a question, that door is open. But if you go to your kid and say, "Yo, kid..." I did it today. Bella said something. And I'm like, boop, I went into dad mode. I started preaching. She's like, "Funny, I didn't ask for your opinion." I'm like, fuck, I got schooled. I got schooled today. So, point is, when people ask for advice, they ask for your opinion. Now, the doors open. You are able to go in because you've been invited. But until that happens, you're not invited and the doors shut. And when somebody's shut off, you're going to get nothing but rejection, nothing but resistance. And most likely, those things turn into a fight. I mean, how many fights have there been over the last two to four years over this... what's happening in the world, and it's true, and it's not true, and Trump bad, Trump good, Biden's real, Biden's not, he's wearing a mask. I mean, fuck me. How many conversations, and arguments, and fights? You get my point. You've been there. There's not one of us that hasn't had the argument. A hundred of them. I've had. fuck, I had thousands, with family, with friends, online. I mean, fuck, I've been back and forth to... whoo. I think I've been all over the world with this conversation. But so, my message to all of us as a whole. Why can't we all just get along? You follow me? Why can't we just allow people to be who they are? The scientific answer to that question is that we are not powerful enough to do so. When we talk shit about someone else, that means that there's a void inside of me, there's a hole, there's an emptiness inside of my chest and my subconscious mind ao I have to go fill it. In order for me to feel full, to feel complete, to feel like a badass, which is a fake badass, is for me now to go put somebody else down. It's that idea. And I talked about it. I don't know. I think it was on a Q&A in the Badassery Factory group but I talked about the idea of stepping on somebody's throat to get ahead. So, when you step on somebody's throat to get you to the next level, it's exactly that idea. So, when we put somebody down, when we judge, when we say you're stupid, you're an idiot, you're fat, bullying... why does bullying... because this judgment that's happening today? That's all it is kids. We're just a bunch of fucking bullies. Grow up, grow up, pull your big girl panties up, grow up, and let people be who they are, and focus on You. You grow. What you're telling other people to do. It's really from a place of you not doing enough. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. That, right there, is truth. And that, right there, is where you just got busted. So, if you're out there talking shit about this camp, and that camp, and that person, and this event, and that coaching program, and this system, and that car, and this crypto, and this investment, and that gold, this gold is better, the Boolean, the... shut the fuck up. How about that? Or this Christian... Oh, my god, oh, my Lord, You know what fucking gets me? It's Christian on Christian. I'm just... It's baffling. It's baffling. And that's where Gandhi said. "I love your Christ. I just don't like you, Christians." And it's like, I get it. I, today, understand exactly what Gandhi said and why he said it because the system, the understanding, the teachings, if you will. And there are camps, they say, "Well, Jesus wasn't real." There are people that say Jesus wasn't real, There are people that say, "Well, you're a fucking idiot because I'm Christian. And of course he was." Judgment just took place. Look, when that person that doesn't believe in Christ or says did not exist comes to you and says, "Hey, did he exist? Open door. We should talk about it. But until then, don't go fucking hit him over the head with the Bible because it's not going to work. Just saying it's human psychology and it's very, very simple. But when Christian on Christian attack, and you have now just different denominations, and why first Baptist, and third Baptist are... they say that they're better, and then Lutheran, and then Episcopalian, but they're all Christian and Catholic. And people say, "Oh, my God, he's Catholic." Regardless of the Catholic faith, if it's a cult or not, it's a cult. But I'm still going back to the judgment thing, people were brought up Catholic. I was brought up Catholic. I didn't know any better I was brought up Catholic and I stood, and I kneeled, and I was an altar boy, and I did all the shit. I just didn't get touched by a priest. I got lucky. Yeah, I guess we're going there today. But in all of that, shouldn't you be an example? Shouldn't you walk the walk? And then shut the fuck up? Lead. If people like what they see, what you're doing, your actions, they're going to want to be around you. That's what leadership is all about. Leaders don't sit around and say, "You're stupid. You're not doing enough, you're not working enough. You're not making enough calls, you're not dialing enough numbers, you're not hitting the pavement, you're not knocking on enough doors, you're not doing shit. You're not watching enough cars." You don't lead by pressure you lead by example you do. So, there's others can see what you did, and they can repeat. That's what leadership is all about. So, stop it. That's a big message today. Stop, stop, stop. Stop it. It's enough. It's literally enough. We don't know what this world is all about. Like I told you earlier today. Am I simply here and I know everything? Fuck, no. Do I know a lot? I want to say I do because I've been researching a lot of what's happening in the world for so many years. I mean, literally, I'm an immigrant. I came to America when I was nine years old. And I've been at this game for a long fucking time. Don't trust the system. Don't trust the government. Okay, well, why? All right, well, here's why. And so much has happened since, and what I've learned in the last 40 years in America goes literally all over the place about religion, and politics, and money. And it just goes on, and on, and on, people, cultures. So, the mindset behind judging is for you... so, now, I'm going to give you some tools, and you have to understand, you're not sitting here and say, "Teach me, Andre." You're not asking me to do something for you but since you're on my show, I have the right to give you some nuggets. And if you take them and use them, God bless you. And if you don't, God bless you again. I'm not going to call you a piece of shit for not using them. Am I going to suggest that you don't waste your time nor mine, or God's? Yeah. Yep, makes sense? But here's what you can do. You can, first of all, shut the fuck up. And I use the word, shut the fuck up, or the words and the word, fuck, because it does something to the brain, even though to some of you, you're like, I cuss all the time. But hearing it, it's different. Hearing the word, fuck, does something to the brain because it's so, in the society, it's used, but it's still like, "Oh, shit, he drop the F bomb." So, still, the brain still says, "Oh, did he just say fuck? So, I'm hooking your brains. That's why cuss. I also like to cuss because freedom, expressing freedom for me. So it's just a thing I enjoy but from a psychology perspective, I'm looking to get your attention. So, first of all, shut the fuck up. When I say shut the fuck up, it simply means, stop hounding people. Stop giving people your advice. Stop giving people your opinions. Stop creating situations that don't exist. Stop creating drama. Stop. Literally, just focus on your mouth. And when if, when you feel like saying that thing, whoap, "Andre said to shut the fuck up." So, I really want you to do this exercise. When you feel the stuff happening in your chest, and you're getting excited or emotional around, "Oh, I'm going to see that uncle and we're going to talk politics, he's going to tell me about Biden, or he's going to bring up Trump, or he's going to bring up the Ukraine thing, the Russia thing." And you start getting that emotional center going inside the subconscious mind. What's going to happen next? The next thing that's going to happen is the thoughts are going but something's about to happen here in the box, in the voice box. And this is the dangerous part. You can think whatever you want, you can feel whatever you want, as soon as it comes out of your mouth, boom, poison, poison, poison poison. So, when I say shut the fuck up, I truly mean for you to do inventory on your mouth. What comes out of your mouth? What do you talk about? What do you talk about? "Well, I preach the gospel." Do you know many people preach the gospel that I literally tell to shut the fuck up. And it's not about the gospel. They think they're doing a good thing. They just have no idea why they're doing it. They're doing it from a fearful place because God told me to preach the Bible and I'll go to the kingdom of heaven. Awesome for you. Don't pound that into other people if they're not open. They didn't, nobody asked you. And then they get rude about it. And then the pile of stuff, the guilt kicks in, and they pile that shit on. "Oh, you're going to hell. Of course, you're not open to the Word of God." I'm like, if you're the Word of God, we're fucked. Like we got a problem. And hence the problem. Hence the problem with Bible thumpers, preachers, and... look what's happening in the world today. I mean, God, is there a clean preacher out there? Is there one? I don't know. I don't know. But as soon as money kicks in, man, fuck. "Oh, it's nonprofit." Fuck you. Joel Osteen. Come on. Come on. Did I say come on already? Remember Dave Letterman, he used to throw his pencils. Anyway, I used to watch David Letterman back in the day before I knew how they got their jobs. I don't even know if you, guys, know that I used to be an actor. Do you guys know I used to be an actor? That I literally went through, wow, what a... we're all over the place. Maybe we'll save this for another day. I'll tell you, guys, my story on another show. My story with acting actually went, I was recruited by the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I've attended that with a few. Paul Rudd was my classmate. Few people. Adam Scott, Jeremy Davies. Anyway. So, we were a small group of attendees, it was a two year program. Anyway, so, it was great. It was fun. It was exciting. But there were some things that happened that I'm like, nah, it's not for me, I'm going to go into business. But I'll tell that story in full one day, I promise. Okay. Back to life, back to reality, see what I did there? I'm giving you guys music. So, the idea of shutting your mouth is going to be your most powerful tool because it's your first line of defense. When you feel that you're about to say something, just go into the exercise of not now, I'm not going to say it now. I'm going to wait. You take a deep breath. And you make this about you. Because you have to understand something. When you are looking to say something to someone, judge someone, tell them your opinion, tell them that they're wrong about what they're doing, opinion, judgment, etc., is that about you, or them? Who are you really making this about? You think you're making it about them because you're telling them but are you really making it about them? Or are you really doing this for yourself so you can feel better because you currently feel like a piece of shit, empty somewhere, not enough, not fulfilled so, "We got to fight for truth. And the only way to fight for truth is to get you to believe in the same thing I believe in in my dog, my..." really? How was that worked out for centuries of bullshit? You get my point? So, my point is, first of all, be quiet. Second of all, start learning who you are. If you are not self aware, and this is the word, the biggest problem that we see in the world today. Self-awareness is literally the epitome of the disease in the world today. Self-awareness until you know who you are exactly, this is not going to go anywhere. So, until you are fulfilled, you're going to keep attacking people. Until you are at a place of of God, until you're at a place of peace and love and happiness, you're going to keep attacking people because you feel like a piece of shit. I'm not judging you. I'm just giving you a little bit of science, you do what you want with it. So, if you know somebody like this, like what I'm talking about, it's going to be a bitch to share this with them. Don't tell them, "Hey, I need you to watch this because you got to change." Just say, "Hey, I heard this message today. Freaking amazing, man." So, be careful how you share this is my point because I catch you in trouble. So, number one, be quiet. Shut your mouth. Number two, start becoming self-aware. Who are you? Why are you doing the things that you are doing? What is the pain that you have inside? And why are you looking to change people? And changing people? Man, oh, man, it's the most evil thing on the planet. And that's why, what's the divorce rate in the world, or America alone? What's the divorce rate? It's huge. Why? Because people get into relationships looking to change the other person. "Well, see, if you can conform to my set of rules, I may be happy. So I'm going to base my happiness upon your actions based on my blueprint. So if you don't act in accordance to my blueprint to possibly one day, hopefully, maybe make me happy. We have nothing. So we're going to get divorced. And I'm going to keep trying. I'm going to tell you you're not good enough. You're a piece of shit because I already told you how I need you to be. You can't speak that way. You got to do these things for me. You got to bind me that thing." And if the other person doesn't do them, well, for them, "You don't love me. I'm empty. I'm not loved." Whoa. But this is the dynamic in the world today. And I'm speaking to a lot of people here today and we're all guilty, man. What I just said, we all do. I don't give a fuck who you are, we all do it. Catching yourself, flipping that script into, "Holy shit. Whoa, I'm here. I'm changing that person. Whoa, that's not what I'm... man, that's not what I want. That's not what I signed up for. No, no, no, no, hold on a second. Let's go back to love. Let's take this conversation down to love." And the first problem is do I love me? Do I love myself? And the snippet I put out this morning was exactly how to love, I think, it's how to love myself or I don't know, find ways to love yourself. There's a joke there I was going to say, oh, I can't even do it. I can't do this joke. Maybe I will one day but I'm not going to do it now. Anyway, so, do I love me? And if I love me, then why do I have pain? Why do I have... why am I constantly, or a lot, in states of unhappiness, anger, animosity, whatever the negative emotions are? Why? Because I do love me so why am I not in love? Stop it, Kath. I can't say the joke. Okay, the joke is going to be masturbation is not a form of self love. There you got it. It's done. It's over. I never said it. I'm going to play like, I just... it never, it never happened. So, that was my joke for the day. We're going to move on. So, do I love me? You got to figure that out. Because until you love you, you cannot love somebody else. And this is a motherfucker people. Jump into relationships, jump into business partnerships, jump into teams, jump into groups, and they have expectations. "Oh, you better make me feel good. You better make me look good. You better make me happy. You better, you better, you better..." and then it's empty, and it's empty, and it's empty. "And I'm not fool, and I'm not... ah, holy shit. So, I go back to me. Fuck, I need that love because I don't love me." See, when I love me fully, I don't need your love. Ooh, busted. If I love me fully, I don't need your love. I want it but I don't need it. And that right there, my friends, is a phenomenal part of the equation. Need versus want. So, first of all, how to go out there in the world is shut your mouth, become self aware. Do I love myself so I can love others? Mm hmm. Oh, there was a comment. I wanted to read... some divorces happen because one person grows and the other doesn't. "Some divorces happen because one person grows and the other doesn't." 100%, absolutely. That does happen. It does happen. But if you go back to the beginning, so, yes, that is after many, many years. If the connection in the beginning is real, and there's respect, and the love for self and the other is real, people grow together. If it's false, see, when other people... when one side grows, that means the other side, obviously, didn't, theoretically, but why did this side grow? And answer that question right there. And you'll figure out that what I just said like three minutes ago is what this is about. So, yes, but it's for other reasons than just one grew, one didn't. All right. So, you, now, know a little bit what to do, is really start loving yourself. Go inside. Love yourself. Love the person you're with. Find respect. And this goes back to Beth's comment here. Find respect for yourself. See, respect for yourself means that you create standards. What you allow and don't allow because what you allow will continue. If you're abused, verbally abused, physically abused, negative behaviors. If you allow those things, Beth knows what I'm talking about, then you now will get an ass wooping because you allow them. But it's like, "Why does he keep doing that to me? He's an asshole." Judgment. Separation. "He's an asshole. I'm not an asshole so how dare he." But you're the one still in the relationship. You're still there. You're allowing it. Why? Because you don't respect yourself enough to say my standard is love. Oh, you don't give me love? Fuck off. Loving yourself, respecting yourself first will allow you to love and respect everybody else out there. So, I'm going back to the separation that's happening in the world today. And my point to everybody is find a way to love yourself and it's not masturbation. I got it out now. Sorry. It's how my brain works. Damn it. So, my point is, find a way to love yourself. Respect yourself. Take care of you first and then go out in the world and talk to people. Let's say, you disagree with someone. Do it in a loving way, man. Like do it in a loving way. I'm watching some comments online that are just fucking rude. And I'm like, what is going on? Like people that believe in flat earth and people that believe in round earth. They're so mean to each other, it's like we're two years old. We're like bullies in kindergarten. "Fuck you!" We're grown ass adults. Do you need to be right so bad that you got to put that other human being, that other creation of God, down so much, you have to be little another human being so much just so you can hold on to your rhetoric that it's round or fucking flat? Who gives a fuck? And this is the biggest thing. Love yourself enough to be okay with your belief. And it's just your belief and that's okay. He wants to believe it's square? Fucking awesome. How many sides is a square half? That's exciting. We should look into that. I'm just kidding. Don't, please don't look into a square. Anyway, I think you guys get my point. Let's all just come together. Love. Literally, and I'm when I say stop, stop, stop, I'm doing that for a reason but what I want is I want all of us to focus on the things that we want. You want what in this world? You want peace, focus on peace. Hating somebody else is not going to get you the peace. You want love in the world, great. Putting somebody down it's not going to get you the peace that you want in the world. What do you want? You want unity. You want abundance. Do you think abundance is going to come from you saying that, "That group is nothing but creatures of the swamp, and they're gonna go to hell." That's going to bring abundance in to the world? No, no, no, no. Thoughts become things. And they become words, and words that we speak over situations are fucking poison, not only over the situations but primarily into the body that it's spoken from. You want to feel better, physically? You want to feel better emotionally? You want to feel better on all levels of your being? Start speaking love. Start speaking love. I got to give you a 90 day challenge. 90 days, only speak the things that you want. Well, you're like, "Well, I want for the fuckery in the world to stop because it's hurting people." Well, and this is the addiction most people have because we don't understand how to communicate properly. The universe doesn't speak English, the universe speaks vibration. So, when we say I want for the pain to stop, the universe hears pain. So, it's not that I want pain to stop. What I want is for all humanity to feel abundant, and rich, and healthy, and amazing, and powerful. See, if I focus on that box right there of everybody just feeling amazing, doesn't that automatically get rid of the pain? If everybody's achieved that status of love and bliss, doesn't that get rid of all the problems? Ah, yes. So, what I'm sharing with you right now is when we speak the things that we want, we bypass, it's like a direct line to God, we bypass the bullshit, we bypass the hell, we bypass the lower levels of vibration that are literally called hell. We go, whoop, right over the bridge. We go straight to happiness, straight to health, straight to abundance, straight to love, straight to bliss, straight to sexy, straight to amazing. Whoa. So, this is my challenge for you guys. Get out there. Preach what you want only. If a word wants to come out of your mouth that has to do with anything that you don't want for yourself or the world, shut the fuck up. Love yourself. Respect yourself. This way, you can love and respect other people, communities, mankind, period. You, guys, have been awesome. Thank you for hanging out with me. And next week, today's the 15th, 22nd, I think next week is, I think we have Art Luhan from... he's one of the biggest high-end suit tailors in the world. He happens to be in Los Angeles. He's got offices all over California but the reason he's coming on the show and the reason I want him on the show is because he is an entrepreneur and, literally, a hungry motherfucker like nobody else I know. I mean he, this guy works hours. He parties, but he works hours and hours, and he suits up celebrities, and billionaires. But he's always about mindset, mindset, mindset, mindset. He invests his money, travels the world. He's always somewhere in the world. I think he's in Colombia right now. So, we're going to learn some shit. And I want to... the biggest thing I want everybody to get from him is how important are details in everything you do. He works out twice a day. No, he's not buff. He's just healthy. He likes to eat and drink. But he works out twice a day. So, details, the details in his designs, in his suits. Fuck, I'm talking like perfection. So, we're going to talk about the details. How important are details and everything that we do in life because there's that saying how you do something is how you do everything. So, if you do one thing, just one thing like really shitty, half ass, guess what, that shows up in every other part of your life. But if you do that one thing full, 100% commitment detail the fuck out, then that becomes who you are. Now, you have a standard because you respect and love yourself. Man, that came right back around. Love you, guys. Please share this with friends, neighbors, whoever people that you love. And as you, guys, know, this will be on the YouTube channel of Who's A Badass Show. And on the podcast, Who's A Badass Show. And then you'll get snippets, and things, and fun, and oh, my... I'll see you guys next week. Have a phenomenal, phenomenal, kick ass week, and please, please, please love abundantly. Peace out. Thank you all for tuning in. Thank you for listening. And remember, the goal here is for you to gain information that can change your life that can set you up for a better tomorrow on your way to becoming a badass. And remember, a badass is simply somebody that is free and happy. If you're not happy and free, on the inside, we're empty. You know what to do. Click all the love buttons, subscribe button, leave a comment, leave a beautiful review because, of course, you're in love with this information. And of course, it is changing your life. Share this with someone, please, get this information out there. Love you, guys, and I'll see you on the next episode.